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Old 10-05-2008, 06:54 PM
Big Texas Big Texas is offline
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Default Bright Side

Sorry to fool you but there really is NO bright side. Or maybe not really much of one.

At least for 3 1/2 quarters shaub got to sit on the bench and see how to manage a game and get Andre involved.

In maybe some WEIRD way sage's meltdown was good so we could end the qb controversy talks and we can focus on Matt running this offense.

Too bad we had to go down 0-4 to do it.
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Old 10-05-2008, 07:25 PM
Nconroe Nconroe is offline
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and we now have two wuda, cuda, shuda won games, but found a way to lose . some kinda conspiracy. now we got two of them moral victories.
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Old 10-05-2008, 07:43 PM
Big Texas Big Texas is offline
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We have took the next step from:

plain scrubs

scrubs w/potential

Now, a woulda, coulda, shoulda team.

Maybe in another three years we can be a four year 8-8 team.
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Old 10-05-2008, 08:25 PM
popanot popanot is offline
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I'm starting to hate watching this team much in the same way I hated watching the Capers teams towards the end of his reign. It's frustrating wasting Sunday's watching them thinking maybe this is the week they turn it around only to get the normal results.
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Old 10-05-2008, 08:33 PM
nero THE zero nero THE zero is offline
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I disagree, I think there were some bright spots. Mario continued to be Mario. Amobi finally showed up. Reeves had a lot better game today. The defense as a whole was a lot better.

This loss is completely, 100% on Sage. The rest of the team played great.

Sucks that we lost; especially the way we lost. But we (sans Sage) played a hell of a game.
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Old 10-05-2008, 08:53 PM
NBT NBT is offline
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You now I really feel for Sage. After all he didn't mean to screwup. He was guilty of trying to take too much on himself. Right now we are snakebit. The teams morale is so tenuous that when Sage made the gaff, it was almost as if the bubble burst, and everyone thought, oh no here we go again. And of course it did. Analysis: we are not as near to having a decent team as I (a lot of us) thought at the beginning of the year. We have one member of the 2004 Draft, Dunta Robinson (PUP), and two members of the 2005 Draft still with the team, Travis Johnson & C.C. Brown (I/R)! We just do not have the studs to do the job yet. Bad as I hate to admit it, hard schedule or not, we still are a Draft or two from really contending in our division. Hard to take, but there it is.
NBT - Elder statesman. Wisdom comes with age - Now if i could remember what it was!
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Old 10-05-2008, 08:53 PM
sinnister sinnister is offline
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The bright side for me was that I am driving to watch the game next week; however, I am seriously considering changing my mind. I dont think I can take another loss....especially like that one.....
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Old 10-05-2008, 09:00 PM
Keith Keith is offline
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Originally Posted by nero THE zero View Post
This loss is completely, 100% on Sage.

I can only imagine Richard Justice self-fellating himself while writing his column mid-game in the press box about how deservedly smug he should be in stirring the QB controversy pot and prefering Sage as the starter. The thought of him trashing his 30 minutes of scribbling is the only bright side I am seeing right now though.
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Old 10-05-2008, 10:05 PM
Mike Mike is offline
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Originally Posted by NBT View Post
You now I really feel for Sage. After all he didn't mean to screwup. He was guilty of trying to take too much on himself. Right now we are snakebit. The teams morale is so tenuous that when Sage made the gaff, it was almost as if the bubble burst, and everyone thought, oh no here we go again. And of course it did. Analysis: we are not as near to having a decent team as I (a lot of us) thought at the beginning of the year. We have one member of the 2004 Draft, Dunta Robinson (PUP), and two members of the 2005 Draft still with the team, Travis Johnson & C.C. Brown (I/R)! We just do not have the studs to do the job yet. Bad as I hate to admit it, hard schedule or not, we still are a Draft or two from really contending in our division. Hard to take, but there it is.
I feel bad for Sage, but this one is on his shoulders. He KNOWS better than to run the boot and get his arse on the ground. Screw 2 more drafts, this team kicked the Colts around for 55 minutes. There is no repeat no excuse for this loss.
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Old 10-05-2008, 10:32 PM
Roy P Roy P is offline
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Originally Posted by nero THE zero View Post
I disagree, I think there were some bright spots. Mario continued to be Mario. Amobi finally showed up. Reeves had a lot better game today. The defense as a whole was a lot better.

This loss is completely, 100% on Sage. The rest of the team played great.

Sucks that we lost; especially the way we lost. But we (sans Sage) played a hell of a game.
Our FB, SLB, DT, and CBs played the games of their life. We had two back-up safeties in the secondary against Peyton, and did not get blown out.

Our Pro-Bowl WR played like one today. Hopefully, this city has learned that there is not a QB controversy. I had suggested that Schaub be benched last week so that Sage could lose against the Jags and Colts to finally shut everybody the hell up.

The bright side is this team should realize that they can play with the big boys. If the Head Coach and Back-Up QB really believed that, they would have won.
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Old 10-05-2008, 11:41 PM
jppaul jppaul is offline
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Rosenfels had a great game, until that last 4:04. Once that first mistake happened he kept trying to make up for it, and that was the end.

Love his spirit, wish he had thought the whole leap thing through though.
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Old 10-06-2008, 12:57 AM
coloradodude coloradodude is offline
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The bright side?

I now realize that someday I very well may purchase the team at a discounted rate. Then I will trade away the first round pick every year for 5 years in a row and build a blue collar team. The coach? Well, for the first 5 years I'll use one of Bellaire's assistant coaches so we can have the number 1 pick to deal.

The sad part? We're not doing the above and WE STILL SUCK even though we are actually trying to be competitive.

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Old 10-06-2008, 07:02 AM
Big Texas Big Texas is offline
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We saw that not only can we hold one of the most potent offenses (granted they are having a bad year) to 10 points for a two and half quarters. On top of that we made their defense look as pathetic as ours has for 3 1/2 quarters.

But then we committed the cardinal sin. We let off the gas in the last 4 min. hence the two dumb ass runs right into the back of an 8 man front that eventually led to Sage's dumb ass run.

I measure based on other successful teams in the league. And from my own perspective non would have called those two plays.


You still had to think this was the Colts. No matter how bad they have been playing you cant give them the ball with 4 min and see if they can beat you.

So I'm just saying it, the loss was 95% on Sage and 5% on the last 4 min playcalling.
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Old 10-06-2008, 07:51 AM
KJ3 KJ3 is offline
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Originally Posted by Big Texas View Post
In maybe some WEIRD way sage's meltdown was good so we could end the qb controversy talks and we can focus on Matt running this offense.
it took sage to melt down for everyone to realize schaub was on fire last week? weird. did anyone else think schaub's sickness came with a heavy dose of the "winks"?

Originally Posted by nero THE zero View Post
I disagree, I think there were some bright spots. Mario continued to be Mario. Amobi finally showed up. Reeves had a lot better game today. The defense as a whole was a lot better.
i agree with all of that except reeves. if he can't turn his neck and look for the ball maybe he should spend that scratch on a swivel to have surgically placed where his neck should be. until then i think we have a new batman.

Originally Posted by Roy P View Post
Our FB, SLB, DT, and CBs played the games of their life. We had two back-up safeties in the secondary against Peyton, and did not get blown out.
i liked harrison getting a shot. not sure why it took c.c. getting injured but i thought he played valiantly. i think he almost had a pick, but some hard hits delivered as well. wilson too, getting in on some action. i saw 26 and was like, "is that...glenn earl?!?" nobody knew until the stadium announcer announced the tackle. bennett was good too except that one that he batted away looked totally pickable. i can't wait for dunta to get back...
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Old 10-06-2008, 07:59 AM
WMH WMH is offline
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Mario is a HUGE bright spot, and looks to continue his rise to the elite level of DE's. When he bull rushed Addai to get at Peyton, that was freaking AWESOME!

On a side note, kudos to the Reliant Game Day folks for the that little Super Mario skit on the video board. That was hilarious!
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Old 10-06-2008, 11:25 AM
Roy P Roy P is offline
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Originally Posted by KJ3 View Post
it took sage to melt down for everyone to realize schaub was on fire last week? weird. did anyone else think schaub's sickness came with a heavy dose of the "winks"?

I could buy into that conspiracy theory, sort of. Maybe Matt was sick of losing and wanted Sage to give it a shot. I'm not accusing Schaub of malingering, but perhaps he was a victim of a psychosomatic illness. It can happen. When my first daughter was born she spent a long time in the NICU and it placed a lot of stress on me. In fact, when I was with her I broke out in hives. At first, I thought I had an allergy to something at the hospital. When I went to work and concentrated on my job, the hives went away. When I got into my car and started on the way home, I started itching again. That's when I realized it was the stress of having Special Needs child that was causing my symptoms. At that point, it seemed like I had a problem in which I had no control over. When the hives formed, I could at least put on Calamine lotion.

Anyway, that's not the reason why I was going to post. What I wanted to talk about was the Indy defense. Not only was Bob Sanders out of the picture this week, but the DTs on their roster were small. Keyunta Dawson (who?) is only 6'3" 254lbs and played for Texas Tech. Eric Foster (a player I considered drafting to play DE) is only 6'2" 265lbs. I am bewildered that we could not do more in the running game. Essentially, they played with 7 LBs in their front 7 along with Bullitt. We averaged 4.9 yards per rush. Slaton averaged 5.8 yards/rush. Green averaged 3.9 yards/rush. However, when we needed to ice the game away, we simply couldn't run the ball. Rosenfels had to throw on 3rd down.
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Old 10-06-2008, 12:43 PM
Dennis2112 Dennis2112 is offline
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I am as upset as anyone over the loss but we DID play our best ball of the season and resembled the team we finished the season with last year.

The Colts are a good team and I would give them credit but we gave the game away.

Our defense played as well as any defense in the league. I understand that they gave up some yards in the last few minutes but they should never have been put in that position.

Sage is Sage. I feel for him and I know he is taking this loss hard. The majority of the blame does goto him, as well it should. Of course as previously posted, we ran the ball well almost all game but not when we needed it the most.

Sage has plenty of talent but he just always seems to float a ball into double coverage, fumble the ball, or just make a weird decision at crucial times. Sage is who he is, a career backup/spot starter...maybe the best in the league.
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Old 10-06-2008, 12:43 PM
KJ3 KJ3 is offline
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i was thinking that since kubiak was "evaluating everyone" last week, flat out benching schaub destroys all kinds of confidence/loyalties/so on, schaub was present and in uniform, and that a flu bug popping in to say hello the night before the game all smelled a little fishy. i guess i should just ask if sage/texans win yesterday would sage keep the job? or was he really just playing as the backup to an indisposed starting qb?

to be honest, the texans were running almost at will and with kubiak's mind on running the ball (or so he says) i'm surprised the ball left any hands in the 4th. ahman green even showed up and earned about 1/4th of his paycheck...slaton broke another big one....

how did we lose? that has to be the only scenario that the colts' could've come back. hundreds of scenarios could've played out a texans' win and ONE played out for the colts. sick.
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Old 10-06-2008, 03:24 PM
Keith Keith is offline
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Originally Posted by KJ3 View Post
I get sick playing the what if game, as in what if AJ hadn't had an off day in Nashville, dropping two TD passes; what if the Texans had tackled David Garrard on fourth down and avoided OT; what if Sage had simply taken a knee on either of his two fumbles.

Ugh, yeah, you are what your record is, and this is an 0-4 team, no two ways about it, but damn if a 2-2 record with another four of five at home couldn't have been right there for them. It's bad enough being 0-4, but it hurts worse knowing this team is 0-3 in the division already, too.
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Old 10-06-2008, 04:02 PM
NBT NBT is offline
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Next week is a rejuvinated Miami. We have to get over this hurdle some time. It won't be any easier, but we better start winning soon.
NBT - Elder statesman. Wisdom comes with age - Now if i could remember what it was!
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