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Old 12-04-2014, 05:12 PM
Keith Keith is offline
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Default British Arian Foster

I love Foster's contempt for the media, or at least for being forced by the league to play the media's game. Did an entire interview in some lame English accent. Honey badger Foster don't care, and I love it.
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Old 12-04-2014, 08:30 PM
Warren Warren is offline
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Originally Posted by Keith View Post
I love Foster's contempt for the media, or at least for being forced by the league to play the media's game. Did an entire interview in some lame English accent. Honey badger Foster don't care, and I love it.
At least he did in a human language this time, rather than pterodactyl.
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Old 12-05-2014, 01:00 AM
chuck chuck is offline
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Originally Posted by Keith View Post
I love Foster's contempt for the media, or at least for being forced by the league to play the media's game. Did an entire interview in some lame English accent. Honey badger Foster don't care, and I love it.
I've seen quite a bit of backlash from Texans fans over Foster, too, with all sorts of ugly accusations. I'm with you; I love his contempt for the media. I really don't care whether he gives another real interview in his life. I do care a lot that he stays on the field. Alfred Blue, the team's best draft pick, is nowhere near the player Arian is. The drop off in production is stark.

Plus, I wouldn't want to answer lame questions from a bunch of fat rednecks, either.
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Old 12-06-2014, 02:20 AM
Keith Keith is offline
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The Guardian reports:
“It’s passable. He could probably just about get away with ordering a pint in a London pub if he spoke very quickly and mumbled a lot,” was the verdict of one English journalist in the Guardian US offices. Foster does, however, let himself down by signing off with a “cheerio”, something no English person has actually said in 43 years.

The Houston Texans running back has a history of unconventional behaviour. He was a vegan for some time, once answered “I’m just trying to be the best teammate I can” 11 times in a 90 second interview and angered cat owners across the world by saying their pets do not really love them.
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Old 12-06-2014, 08:17 AM
nunusguy nunusguy is offline
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Originally Posted by chuck View Post
I've seen quite a bit of backlash from Texans fans over Foster, too, with all sorts of ugly accusations. I'm with you; I love his contempt for the media. I really don't care whether he gives another real interview in his life. I do care a lot that he stays on the field. Alfred Blue, the team's best draft pick, is nowhere near the player Arian is. The drop off in production is stark.

Plus, I wouldn't want to answer lame questions from a bunch of fat rednecks, either.
OK, but what if the media (yea sorry, but that does include fat hillbillies from Waco who sometimes double in bit movie parts) plays a significant role in publicizing the NFLs message that generates those fat revenues for the league and for the salaries of the Arian Fosters of the league. No see I think until Foster gets a little knowledge about the biz world and how the NFL works in that respect, he's still mainly ghetto mentality. And wasn't Foster also wanting one of those show biz careers post football ? He's got a lot to learn about networking and other things of the real world, perhaps that fat Waco hillbilly knows a few Hollywood Directors who could make Foster a leading man.
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Old 12-06-2014, 08:57 AM
barrett barrett is offline
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Originally Posted by nunusguy View Post
OK, but what if the media (yea sorry, but that does include fat hillbillies from Waco who sometimes double in bit movie parts) plays a significant role in publicizing the NFLs message that generates those fat revenues for the league and for the salaries of the Arian Fosters of the league. No see I think until Foster gets a little knowledge about the biz world and how the NFL works in that respect, he's still mainly ghetto mentality. And wasn't Foster also wanting one of those show biz careers post football ? He's got a lot to learn about networking and other things of the real world, perhaps that fat Waco hillbilly knows a few Hollywood Directors who could make Foster a leading man.
I'm sorry, I must have missed where Foster using a British accent cut into the NFL media stream. Maybe it's you who needs a lesson in the "biz" world and networking.
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Old 12-06-2014, 09:35 AM
nunusguy nunusguy is offline
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Originally Posted by barrett View Post
I'm sorry, I must have missed where Foster using a British accent cut into the NFL media stream. Maybe it's you who needs a lesson in the "biz" world and networking.
Not me, I learned long ago of the downside of alienating the wrong person in the business world because it cost me big-time once or twice. Foster has been one helluva back for us, and I never thought he'd return this year and perform the way he has given his past injuries. But in terms of his tact with the media, he's 29 going on 17 IMO, i.e., don't wanta bite the hand that feeds you.
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Old 12-06-2014, 11:24 AM
barrett barrett is offline
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Originally Posted by nunusguy View Post
Not me, I learned long ago of the downside of alienating the wrong person in the business world because it cost me big-time once or twice. Foster has been one helluva back for us, and I never thought he'd return this year and perform the way he has given his past injuries. But in terms of his tact with the media, he's 29 going on 17 IMO, i.e., don't wanta bite the hand that feeds you.
Do you really think the media is mad he used a British accent? What do you think they got more copy out of, his accent, or if he had played it straight and given rote answers? I have not heard anything from his previous 13 weeks of mandatory media sessions, but I've heard of this all over. Every reporter there had his story all but written for him that day. There was nothing combative or disrespectful about it.

I'd also argue that Foster is the hand that feeds the media more than the other way around. Fans can and do interact with athletes through social media without the mainstream media's help these days. Foster and the NFL could create about 99% of their revenue stream without any interaction with he Houston Chronicle and the other beat reporters. But those beat reporters and their employers would be seriously hurting without the players. The days when sportswriters were opinion formers who told the public what to think are gone. Traditional media is becoming obsolete and their standards and quality are plummeting as they dive into the fray attempting to draw eyeballs with click bait. There is no way every one of those reporters didn't post/blog/publish the British Accent story as soon as it happened. Not one of them thought "That Foster needs to learn to respect the media and take our sessions together more seriously."

As for you saying Foster's use of a British accent is ghetto, I think your word choice says far more about you that it does Foster. I can guarantee if Watt or any other white player used a British accent you would not call it "ghetto mentality".
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Old 12-06-2014, 12:08 PM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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At least Foster's coach has the same disdain for the media that he does.

I'd love to see him respond to an interview by saying "I'm tired of talking about football. We're not just stupid jocks. Why don't you ever ask me about world events like Ferguson?"

Then when the media takes the bait and asks him about Ferguson, he can act upset and ask "Man, why does EVERYTHING have to be about race with you guys??" and then walk out.
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Old 12-06-2014, 12:18 PM
chuck chuck is offline
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Originally Posted by barrett View Post
As for you saying Foster's use of a British accent is ghetto, I think your word choice says far more about you that it does Foster. I can guarantee if Watt or any other white player used a British accent you would not call it "ghetto mentality".
I know I said envy but in certain cases maybe it's something else entirely.
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Old 12-06-2014, 02:07 PM
WMH WMH is offline
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I couldn't give two rat $hits what Foster says or doesn't say to the media.

As long as he puts up yards and TD's, his act is fine by me. Actually humorous at times instead of the same of BS coachspeak.
In B'OB we trust, until he pisses us off!
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Old 12-06-2014, 02:58 PM
nunusguy nunusguy is offline
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Originally Posted by barrett View Post
Do you really think the media is mad he used a British accent? What do you think they got more copy out of, his accent, or if he had played it straight and given rote answers? I have not heard anything from his previous 13 weeks of mandatory media sessions, but I've heard of this all over. Every reporter there had his story all but written for him that day. There was nothing combative or disrespectful about it.

I'd also argue that Foster is the hand that feeds the media more than the other way around. Fans can and do interact with athletes through social media without the mainstream media's help these days. Foster and the NFL could create about 99% of their revenue stream without any interaction with he Houston Chronicle and the other beat reporters. But those beat reporters and their employers would be seriously hurting without the players. The days when sportswriters were opinion formers who told the public what to think are gone. Traditional media is becoming obsolete and their standards and quality are plummeting as they dive into the fray attempting to draw eyeballs with click bait. There is no way every one of those reporters didn't post/blog/publish the British Accent story as soon as it happened. Not one of them thought "That Foster needs to learn to respect the media and take our sessions together more seriously."

As for you saying Foster's use of a British accent is ghetto, I think your word choice says far more about you that it does Foster. I can guarantee if Watt or any other white player used a British accent you would not call it "ghetto mentality".
I thought Fosters British accent was kinda clever and entertaining. The problem I've had with Foster in the past re his PR was his lack of cooperation at times with the media, and I think the NFL still has a player policy that they are required to meet and provide interviews. And I recall the Seattle back was fined for not doing so, but I like to think that Arian is sharper than that individual. As far as the Houston media goes, no matter how bad you and Foster might think it is, it remains the local component for the NFL.
You know Arian came up the hard way in the sense that he was undrafted and therefor basically unknown, certainly unheralded. And some of the locals helped put Foster on the map, so it seems the least he could is make himself available so they can do their job. That's all I'm asking of Foster, besides it's good business for his career, whether or not he realizes it.
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Old 12-06-2014, 03:06 PM
nunusguy nunusguy is offline
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Originally Posted by HPF Bob View Post
At least Foster's coach has the same disdain for the media that he does.
I don't believe that's the case at all, it's O'Brien former boss in NE who has a disdain for the media. According to the hillbilly from Waco, O'brien is a damn good interview. What's upsets O'brien about media relations centers around questions about player injuries.
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