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Old 09-27-2010, 03:20 PM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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Default Ex-Oiler Blanda Dies At 83

The Oakland Raiders have announced the passing of Hall-of-Fame QB/PK George Blanda at age 83. Blanda, from the University of Kentucky, played in the NFL for the Chiacgo Bears but could never crack the starting lineup. He signed with the Houston Oilers when the American Football League formed and led the Oilers to the first two AFL championships in 1960-61 before losing the championship game in the 1962 overtime classic.

He joined the Raiders after seven seasons in Houston and because a cause celebre with his late-game magic during the 1970 season while playing in his 40s. He continued as their placekicker until retiring in the mid-70s.

R.I.P. George - a true football legend.
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Old 09-27-2010, 05:19 PM
Nconroe Nconroe is offline
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Yeah, what a player, I remember watching him as QB, Kicker, Punter for Houston and then as Kicker for Oakland till he was 48 years old. He played for Chicago before Houston.

He went into Hall of fame in 1981.

His stats are are this page

Here is ESPN's story for today

Condolences to his family.
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Old 09-28-2010, 04:02 PM
painekiller painekiller is offline
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I remember the stories from my dad of Blanda in the early Oilers days. And I remember watching Blanda come off the bench while with ths Raiders and bring them back from behind when Lamonica had gone down. The old goats first pass in years was a TD., and it was from beyond midfield, short pass long run, guess the defense never expected the old guy to throw.

He was fun to watch and he will be missed.
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Old 09-29-2010, 07:34 PM
NBT NBT is offline
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I remember Blanda. I went to almost every one of those early AFL games. He was the Oilers QB the first year of the league, and we won the league championship. Of course he also kicked the ball too and pretty good out to 40 yards or so. Of course he got too popular around here so Bottom line Bud axed him, and he wound up having several more good years with Da Raidas. He also went into the HOF with the Raiders, not Oilers!
NBT - Elder statesman. Wisdom comes with age - Now if i could remember what it was!
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Old 10-01-2010, 11:46 PM
Arky Arky is offline
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Ya, I saw Blanda a time or two back in old days of Jeppesen Stadium and I believe he was still here when the Oilers switched over to Rice Stadium. He was both loved and cursed while in Houston and the fact is, he wasn't real productive by the time he left Houston and went to the Raiders. But then he went on to have that great run as the Raiders backup QB and kicker and earned the admiration of old farts everywhere....
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