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Old 03-25-2017, 06:14 PM
barrett barrett is offline
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Originally Posted by HPF Bob View Post
Jeff Darlington tweet per CBS Sports now reporting that, according to Romo, it's Houston or retirement.

Texans seem resolute to wait out the Cowboys and probably wait for a June 1st release then sign Romo. Dallas still hoping they can trick Houston into giving up draft picks.

The Broncos, it is said, have not closed the door on Romo but are not actively pursuing him either.

Of course, Dallas may decide that they can keep Romo since Dak Prescott is still under a rookie contract but releasing him and getting the cap savings makes more long-term sense. But then Romo can retire and get the Fox gig he's been promised if he takes the offer rather than be a backup.

Frankly, for $21 mil or whatever it is, I would be happy being a backup - but that's just me.
I think up to now Romo has played nice because he is concerned with how he is remembered by Cowboys fans. But if they try to force him into retirement or a backup role because they want a late draft pick, then I think he starts causing trouble. Half the fan base and some small percentage of the locker room probably still prefer him as QB. And in a PR battle, every fan will pick him over Jerry Jones. Romo has accelerated/deferred/renegotiated money multiple times when he didn't have to in order to bail the Cowboys out of cap trouble Jones put them in. If he loses his job because of injury and then is held in a backup role because Jones wants to get a late draft pick, then all media and fans will be on Romo's side. Jones has zero leverage here and will lose in the end. Especially now that the Broncos won't be played as leverage against the Texans.
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Old 03-26-2017, 09:45 AM
nunusguy nunusguy is offline
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Do people really think that Jerry Jones is that worried about his x-starting QB
appearing in a Texans' uniform, though it would be kinda interesting to see the response from state football fans to those NFL preseason magazines appearing this summer on the newsstands with the likes of Tony Romo & JJ Watt both dressed in Texans gear appearing on the same covers together. And what would also be interesting would be to a Romo led Texans team going up against Dallas in preseason intersquad practices. Yea we could have some fun with some of those scenarios if they were to really happen.
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Old 03-27-2017, 07:09 AM
popanot popanot is offline
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From my understanding, Romo and the Jones family have a really close relationship and it would not surprise me if Romo has been promised a role in the organization upon retirement regardless if he continues playing for a couple years or decides to retire now. As it is today, he's currently under contract and stands to make a ridiculous amount of money for being a backup and is guaranteed a healthy sum even if he's cut June 1, he likely has a future management role with the Cowboys, he has other options outside of football which will likely pay well if he decides to go that route, so why should he get upset with Jones for delaying his release? I personally think Romo is playing along with Jones and would love for Dallas to get something in return in a trade. Yes, please Texans, just hold off and don't do anything stupid. If Romo doesn't come here, big freaking deal.
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Old 03-27-2017, 07:23 AM
popanot popanot is offline
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I'm not going to say Savage is the answer, but I sure would like to find out what we really have in him. Younger Romo is obviously an upgrade to what we've trotted out there the last 5 years, but there's no guaranteed to what you're going to get with him now. If Romo is free and reasonable cost-wise, sign him. If he's costs picks or plays hardball, screw him.

Would love for this article to go into more detail, but I did find it interesting even as limited as it is. I'm okay drafting a rookie (or two) and giving Savage his shot:

I really want nothing to do with Cutler or Keapernick. I'd rather the franchise toss all their eggs into a rookie or Savage than to go the Cutler/Keap route.

Added this:

Last edited by popanot; 03-27-2017 at 10:30 AM.
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Old 03-29-2017, 01:44 PM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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Jerry Jones on Romo resolution: 'Before training camp'

The Tony Romo saga could play out for the entire offseason.

Speaking Tuesday at the Annual League Meeting in Phoenix, Cowboys owner Jerry Jones indicated his only timetable for a resolution on Romo's future is "before training camp," according to USA Today's Tom Pelissero.

Jones stressed to local reporters there is no "imminent" deadline that would push a decision.
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Old 03-30-2017, 11:54 AM
Nconroe Nconroe is offline
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What do you think about Colin Kappernick? Might be some upside and available. Can still draft a QB as well.
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Old 03-30-2017, 12:50 PM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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Between Romo, Cutler and Kaepernick, only one of them has ever led a team to a Super Bowl. I just can't imagine McNair and Kaep seeing eye-to-eye the first time there's a political controversy. First time some wiseguy reporter sticks a mic in Kaep's face and baits him about transgendered bathroom bills or something, Kaep won't be able to say "no comment" and walk away.

Otherwise, I think $9 mil is a very reasonable price and better than what we'd get out of Romo.
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Old 04-04-2017, 07:45 AM
bikerack bikerack is offline
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Welp. Romo is headed to TV.
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Old 04-04-2017, 07:49 AM
bikerack bikerack is offline
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From inside the Texans org...

From my understanding, Romo has some concern about his own back and he was done dealing with Jerry and the Cowboys.

Also from what I was told is his wife was really concerned about Romo's health and caring for their family.
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Old 04-04-2017, 08:05 AM
popanot popanot is offline
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Originally Posted by bikerack View Post
Welp. Romo is headed to TV.
Good. The organization can finally move on. Romo hasn't played in 2 years and was not the answer.
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Old 04-04-2017, 11:42 AM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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We probably dodged a bullet. So, do we sign Cutler, Kaepernick or go all-in on the draft?
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Old 04-04-2017, 12:05 PM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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Apparently the kicker for Romo was when CBS agreed to let him be part of their golf coverage in year two. Reminds me of when NBC lured Don Meredith away from ABC on the promise he could star in acting roles. It must not have went well because he didn't do a lot of NFL with NBC and he didn't do that much acting either.After a couple of years, he was back on MNF but he was bitter after that and far from the fun-loving cowboy ABC once promoted.
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Old 04-04-2017, 01:19 PM
barrett barrett is offline
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Originally Posted by HPF Bob View Post
We probably dodged a bullet. So, do we sign Cutler, Kaepernick or go all-in on the draft?
I'd sign one of those guys if there is less than $1 million a year guaranteed. Give Kaepernick 2 years and $20-25 million with $1-2 million guaranteed. Or better yet, no signing bonus and huge roster bonuses. Then he has to earn it all. Then draft a QB early and another one late. Then toss in Savage and let them all compete for the starting job. If Kaep doesn't win the job in the preseason cut him like Denver did Sanchez last year before he ever played a game. Let all of the other QBs compete for the starting job and the backup jobs. Whoever plays best is your starter. 2nd best is your backup. If the 3rd best shows any promise he's your 3rd stringer, and if not go with a practice squad guy.
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Old 04-04-2017, 02:13 PM
chuck chuck is offline
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I would do all of the above but substitute Cutler for Kaep.

Although I would pay good money to watch the necks in the paper's comments section have a chicken fried meltdown if the team signed Kaep. That'd be outstandiner'n hell.
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Old 04-04-2017, 02:55 PM
nunusguy nunusguy is offline
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Agree or not with his attitude there's no way McNair is gonna hire any player who's does or ever had issues about standing when the national anthem is played.
So last time I checked Cutler is willing to stand for the anthem and he's also got a tremendous arm. But yea he's flaky and not known as a particular good teammate, but still if the money is right why not consider him ?
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Old 04-04-2017, 04:33 PM
Arky Arky is offline
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I guess we won't have Phil Simms to kick around anymore. Bummer.
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Old 04-04-2017, 08:07 PM
barrett barrett is offline
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Originally Posted by nunusguy View Post
Agree or not with his attitude there's no way McNair is gonna hire any player who's does or ever had issues about standing when the national anthem is played.
So last time I checked Cutler is willing to stand for the anthem and he's also got a tremendous arm. But yea he's flaky and not known as a particular good teammate, but still if the money is right why not consider him ?
I agree there is no chance this team employs Kaepernick. We pander to the average fan and do whatever possible to make sure our players don't reflect poorly on the franchise. It's why we wouldn't draft Derek Carr.

As for Kaepernick, I don't think he or Cutler can play. But if I was making decisions, I'd sign Kaepernick and in the negotiations I would tell him I expect him to run the ball 150 times if he's healthy. If he isn't your franchise and your future, then you can take the gloves off and call designed runs and encourage scrambling. If your offense isn't going to be traditionally great, steal first downs anyway you can. And at least a mobile QB might help our redzone issues.

But I agree it's probably Smokin' Jay.
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