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Old 12-11-2011, 09:17 PM
Better Yates than never Better Yates than never is offline
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Default Playoffs!? Playoffs??

Long time reader, first time poster. Been a fan since day one. What a day in Houston sports history!

I will be doing whatever it takes to be at the playoff game, and I was hoping you all could give me some info regarding acquiring tickets. I am not a season ticket holder. Do any of you know when they become available for purchase?

Why the hell not??
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Old 12-11-2011, 09:27 PM
WMH WMH is offline
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If your not a ticket holder, Stubhub or Ebay is probably going to be your only options. Be ready to pay about 4x face value, which playoff tickets are about a 80% upcharge on regular season. The Texans have about a 60,000 season ticket holder following, and I would assume 80% of those, or more, bought thier tickets (I know I sure as hell did!).

Visiting teams have an allotment, then the rest go on sale to the lucky few general public.

Check team website for accurate details.

Good Luck to ya.
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Old 12-11-2011, 09:28 PM
Arky Arky is offline
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Hi and welcome.

I'm guessing Stub Hub but I'm no expert..... Someone else might be able to give you better info on the ticket availability...

And why not?

edit: Doh! WMH got it...
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Old 12-11-2011, 09:49 PM
Better Yates than never Better Yates than never is offline
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Yeah I'm prepared to pay a lot for them. I've got a pretty decent shot at winning my fantasy league (with Foster and Daniels) which would come with a $900 prize. I can't think of any better use for that money!

My main concern is, when do tickets become available? I'm assuming not until the matchup is locked in, which wouldn't be until the end of the season. Correct?

Thanks for your responses.
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Old 12-11-2011, 10:13 PM
WMH WMH is offline
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Originally Posted by Better Yates than never View Post
Yeah I'm prepared to pay a lot for them. I've got a pretty decent shot at winning my fantasy league (with Foster and Daniels) which would come with a $900 prize. I can't think of any better use for that money!

My main concern is, when do tickets become available? I'm assuming not until the matchup is locked in, which wouldn't be until the end of the season. Correct?

Thanks for your responses.
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Old 12-11-2011, 11:51 PM
popanot popanot is offline
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Check the forums on the main Texans site. There's always someone selling tickets over there.
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Old 12-11-2011, 11:56 PM
Keith Keith is offline
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As for secondary markets, a lot of season ticket holders sell tickets through the website that is advertised so often during games.

As a season ticket holder myself, my playoff tickets cost considerably more than the regular season, so yeah, these won't come cheap. Given I've had to sell some of my earlier regular season game tickets thanks to my son's baseball schedule, I've used that site above and regularly sold tickets for multiples of face value.

There are lots of seats owned by ticket agencies, and frankly, by fans who either can't afford the prices or are willing to make a buck. Seats will be available one way or another to those willing to pay. (and no, I plan on using mine. )

btw, thanks for delurking.
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Old 12-12-2011, 01:25 PM
cadams cadams is offline
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as of friday, ticket attractions had tickets in the upper level for the first home game (either wildcard or div round) on sale for aroudn 250 a piece. so if you want to go ahead and get the tickets locked up that my be a way to do it. and no, i don't work with them, i was just curious as to how much they were going for.

i have sold my tix before through stubhub, but i haven't checked to see what they are going for there. i will say this though. if you know you want to go, i would go ahead and buy them now. if the texans get matched up against a team with a huge following like the steelers, the prices will skyrocket.
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