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View Poll Results: Trade for Haynesworth?
Yes, with our 2nd round pick. 6 21.43%
Yes, with nothing higher than our 3rd rounder. 9 32.14%
Nope. 13 46.43%
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Old 04-17-2010, 05:40 PM
cland cland is offline
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Default Trade for Haynesworth?

For those that don't know, Albert Hayenesworth is on the market? And after having been paid 32 of the 40 million dollar guaranteed money that he signed for, he's actually quite affordable (see below link.)

On top of that the current trade (as rumored) is either a 2nd or 3rd round pick.

I have to say, that while there is definitely risk in getting a guy with some major character issues, if we can get some Titans 2008 performance out of this guy for such a low cost, I'm hard pressed not to give it a shot. He's only 28, and should represent a huge upgrade over Sean Cody.

Kubiak has said he wants our D to be physical and nasty.'s a shot to get one of the most physical and nastiest players in the game. The titans want him back, but don't have a second round pick to make that happen. I also think we can get a pretty good read on him, given our relationship with Shanahan. Assuming nothing crazy comes up, I'm all for sending #51 to the Redskins.

How about you?
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Old 04-17-2010, 07:15 PM
gunn gunn is offline
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Definitely. For a team looking to go to the playoffs with a void in the middle of the line. Second or thrid, I don't know... Possibly a second depending on how the first round shook out. You're just not going to get that type of immediate impact that this team needs in a second rounder... let alone a third.
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Old 04-17-2010, 07:58 PM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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Hail, no!

Costs too damn much and had his peak 2-3 years ago. He'll just get injured and spend half the year or the IR.
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Old 04-17-2010, 08:12 PM
Bigtinylittle Bigtinylittle is offline
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Hayull no.
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Old 04-17-2010, 08:41 PM
gunn gunn is offline
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For those of you that are saying no... I'd love to hear some explanations as to why you wouldn't give up an Antwan Molden or some other possible role player for the best defensive lineman in the NFL.
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Old 04-17-2010, 08:46 PM
cland cland is offline
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From the article the remaining salary would be "$16.2 million over the next three years, with only $9 million guaranteed." That's pretty darned reasonable for a guy that had 1 off year where he only got 4 sacks, and was asked to read-and-react in the Washington scheme. (I think we all know how that style of defense works out.)

The more I consider what the Texans' line could look like, the more I'm in support of the trade.

Rushing Downs:

Smith Haynesworth Okoye Williams
Smith Cody Haynesworth Williams (In case Okoye doesn't show up this year)

Passing Downs:
Barwin Smith Haynesworth Williams
Smith Haynesworth Okoye Williams (if Okoye does show up)

You can't tell me the other teams OC wouldn't be a bit nervous with a Healthy Haynesworth and Williams lining up right next to each other. Bring Cushing off the other side occasionally and that could bring a world of hurt, if our run D gets the other team into 2nd or 3rd and long.
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Old 04-17-2010, 08:55 PM
gunn gunn is offline
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Originally Posted by cland View Post
From the article the remaining salary would be "$16.2 million over the next three years, with only $9 million guaranteed." That's pretty darned reasonable....

To be fair... they went on to say that in actuality it is closer to 52 million with 20 guaranteed left on the deal. While the next three are reasonable it seems that there after that contract would be pretty awful. I'm not sure what kind of implecations that would have for the 2013 season and going forward, or if there could be anything done with that though.

Last edited by gunn; 04-17-2010 at 09:00 PM.
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Old 04-17-2010, 09:58 PM
cland cland is offline
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Right, but those salaries are not guaranteed. So after 3 years, you can renegotiate or cut without being forced to pay the 20 million in option bonus that comes in the last part of the contract. Agents typically add that type of language to push up the perceived value of the contract, and set a new negotiating point down the road.
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Old 04-17-2010, 10:03 PM
Bigtinylittle Bigtinylittle is offline
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Hayyell no.;_yl...hdebacle041610
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Old 04-18-2010, 12:49 AM
kRocket kRocket is offline
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Oh, come on. If you don't want the best DT in the NFL for a second or third pick you ain't thinking. Even at half speed he is better than anything we have and if we drafted Suh it would be 3 years before he approached Haynesworth, if he ever does. I know players don't put out sometimes after they get a payday but the Redskins had a crappy team and he probably didn't put out as much as he could have.

Human nature being what it is, if you have a person join the team that is much better than the person he replaces it makes the whole team play harder and better.

Last edited by kRocket; 04-18-2010 at 01:06 PM.
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Old 04-18-2010, 02:48 AM
TheMatrix31 TheMatrix31 is offline
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No way. I don't want that bitch on my team.
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Old 04-18-2010, 09:05 AM
Bigtinylittle Bigtinylittle is offline
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Originally Posted by kRocket View Post
he probably didn't put out as much as he could have.
I agree with that part of your comment.
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Old 04-18-2010, 10:29 AM
gunn gunn is offline
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Originally Posted by Bigtinylittle View Post
Look... That article makes sense, don't get me wrong... but that type of article made more sense last year. At that time I would have agreed that its probably too much money.. But the past is the past and truth now is the primary focus of that piece is guaranteed money and he is just not owed all that anymore. As mentioned earlier, he is quite reasonable over the next three years.

To me, I look at that and say... here we can add a guy in his prime 28-32 range at a reasonable price for a three year window, one that dominates at his position, in an attacking 43 scheme that fits his style, a position of need, paired next to what we already have on the line and second level talent wise.. If we are able to add a piece to the secondary in the first round... That could make for one potent defense...
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Old 04-18-2010, 12:46 PM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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So, you mean we can spend a ton of money on a selfish jerk that will upset the salary scale for our top defenders, take plays off and act as a clubhouse cancer to boot? Sign me up!

I'd rather have Richard Seymour.
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Old 04-18-2010, 01:10 PM
dalemurphy dalemurphy is offline
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Originally Posted by HPF Bob View Post
So, you mean we can spend a ton of money on a selfish jerk that will upset the salary scale for our top defenders, take plays off and act as a clubhouse cancer to boot? Sign me up!

I'd rather have Richard Seymour.
I don't want him either. But, I think the point is, he wouldn't hurt the cap because we wouldn't be responsible for any of his signing bonus money. That all is escalated to the Redskins 2010 cap (if there was one). We would only be responsible for the yearly base salaries. So, in theory, we could cut him at any point without there being a cap hit.
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Old 04-18-2010, 01:37 PM
NBT NBT is offline
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NOPE. Haynesworth only puts out when it is his contract year, otherwise he could care less.
NBT - Elder statesman. Wisdom comes with age - Now if i could remember what it was!
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Old 04-18-2010, 01:39 PM
kRocket kRocket is offline
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Originally Posted by HPF Bob View Post
So, you mean we can spend a ton of money on a selfish jerk that will upset the salary scale for our top defenders, take plays off and act as a clubhouse cancer to boot? Sign me up!

I'd rather have Richard Seymour.
Why do you say selfish? He isn't asking for a new deal, he just doesn't want to play in a 3-4 defense. As previously stated the ridiculous money has already been spent and the balance is pretty bearable. If he played on an already good defense where he was not the only horse pulling he might return to form. If he was obtainable it just wouldn't make sense not to jump at.

I have not heard of him being a clubhouse cancer? I Googled 'Haynesworth and cancer'. I found several references but they were all forum responses or blogs, no real incriminations except that he refuses to come to team workouts because he won't play NT and a 3-4. The team hired him to be in a 4-3 and then asked him to do something else and he refused. You might do the same at your job also. Well, you may not refuse but just look for a new job. Same-same.
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Old 04-18-2010, 01:51 PM
Blitzwood Blitzwood is offline
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Originally Posted by dalemurphy View Post
But, I think the point is, he wouldn't hurt the cap because we wouldn't be responsible for any of his signing bonus money. That all is escalated to the Redskins 2010 cap (if there was one). We would only be responsible for the yearly base salaries. So, in theory, we could cut him at any point without there being a cap hit.
If this is accurate, I'd have to give him a long hard look. Maybe a third rounder in 2011, which could be a compensatory pick and wouldn't cost us anything in essence. The real question is "do we want him in our locker room"?

If he checked out as a decent guy, I'd take him.
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Old 04-18-2010, 02:24 PM
cland cland is offline
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I found this after my post, but he sees it the same way:

Here's Paul Kuharsky's take from his AFC South Blog.

Paul Kuharsky: I simply can’t believe Albert Haynesworth will be available for so little compensation with so little guaranteed money left on his deal. If he is, absolutely Houston should be at the head of the line. I’d give up a second for him in a heartbeat and the pass rush would get just what it needs. I would think the Jaguars would be interested too, and I know the Titans would be. But neither of them have a second-round pick.
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Old 04-19-2010, 10:37 AM
Joe Joe Joe Joe is offline
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For a guy who only plays in his contract year, he got more sacks than every defensive tackle on the Texans (probably combined). At the very least, he would be a good third down DT. I would say give up a third...if he causes too many locker room issues, cut him. Outside the attitude, he is what the Texans want in a DT.
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