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Old 10-01-2009, 07:20 PM
nunusguy nunusguy is offline
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Originally Posted by painekiller View Post
I personally think the Raiders are going to win. I just have this feeling.
Just out of curiosity, what "feeling" did you have before each of the first 3 games ?
The only game I had a feeling about was the one in Nashville, in which I was sure we'd get our butts stomped, but I got no idea what's gonna happen this Sunday ? Not even a "feeling".
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Old 10-01-2009, 09:10 PM
coloradodude coloradodude is offline
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Originally Posted by Joshua View Post
I can go further and say I will be done. Simply put, in today's NFL, it doesn't take 4 years to know what you have in a coach. You generally know almost immediately (see Ryan, Rex; Singletary, Mike; etc.). I've also basically rejected the idea of a "learning curve" for your head coach. While I might be willing to excuse a couple of mistakes in the first year, after that, it's not a "learning curve," it's simply who you are and most likely, who you will continue to be. It boggles the mind that people still give Kubiak a pass in year 4 because of this purported "learning curve." That's absolute nonsense. This is who he is. Finally, as an aside, I seem to recall reading somewhere that Kubiak is already one of the more senior head coaches in the NFL now.
I agree completely w/this post.

On a side note, our defense has a whopping 2 sacks. Two.
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Old 10-01-2009, 11:40 PM
painekiller painekiller is offline
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Originally Posted by nunusguy View Post
Just out of curiosity, what "feeling" did you have before each of the first 3 games ?
The only game I had a feeling about was the one in Nashville, in which I was sure we'd get our butts stomped, but I got no idea what's gonna happen this Sunday ? Not even a "feeling".
I said somewhere I was worried about the team taking the Jets to lightly. It's either here or on, sadly I turned out correct.

I thought we would had no chance before the Titans, and was happily wrong.

Thought we would beat the Jags, but worried I had jinxed us by picking the team in the suicide thread.

So why do I feel like we are in trouble? Last year we made Russell look like a pro bowl player. AJ was all but shut out by Asomugha, and our offense was beaten psychically by their DL. Our defense is not tackling and fast backs are getting long runs every week, hello Darren.
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Old 10-02-2009, 05:42 AM
Arky Arky is offline
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Originally Posted by Joshua View Post
I can go further and say I will be done. Simply put, in today's NFL, it doesn't take 4 years to know what you have in a coach. You generally know almost immediately (see Ryan, Rex; Singletary, Mike; etc.). I've also basically rejected the idea of a "learning curve" for your head coach. While I might be willing to excuse a couple of mistakes in the first year, after that, it's not a "learning curve," it's simply who you are and most likely, who you will continue to be. It boggles the mind that people still give Kubiak a pass in year 4 because of this purported "learning curve." That's absolute nonsense. This is who he is. Finally, as an aside, I seem to recall reading somewhere that Kubiak is already one of the more senior head coaches in the NFL now.
While Rex Ryan and Mike Singletary are good examples for immediate success and instant gratification, it will be interesting to check back after 4 years with those two and see if they are able to maintain the pace.

Kubiak is showing a pace similar to Jeff Fisher. Fisher's stats are almost identical to Kubiak's first years. Tossing out Fisher's first year, the interim year of 1994 (1-5), his W-L looks like this:

1995 HOO 7 - 9
1996 HOO 8 - 8
1997 TNO 8 - 8
1998 TNO 8 - 8

Kubiak has gone:

2006 HOU 6 - 10
2007 HOU 8 - 8
2008 HOU 8 - 8
2009 HOU 1 - 2

Not until Fisher's 5th full year, did he bust out with a 13-3

Jeff Fisher cont.:

1999 TEN 13 - 3
2000 TEN 13 - 3
2001 TEN 7 - 9
2002 TEN 11 - 5
2003 TEN 12 - 4
2004 TEN 5 - 11
2005 TEN 4 - 12
2006 TEN 8 - 8
2007 TEN 10 - 6
2008 TEN 13 - 3

Good thing they didn't fire Fisher after his 4th year cause he went to the SuperBowl in his 5th (1999). Also, note the slump years. Happens to the best of 'em. Even Cowher had some slump years. Belichick and Dungy are about the only coaches I can think of in recent years to string together some impressive 5-7 year runs.... They both worked for I think what most people think of as top rate organizations.... I think the Texans are a top rate organization, they just don't have the wins, yet....

It's interesting that just a few years ago, most Texan fans (myself included) would have died for an 8-8 season. Now? No sir, just not good enough. We want the playoffs and we want them now! Right now!

Now, this doesn't mean Kubiak is going to the SuperBowl next year but it does show that there is a precedent. This would be a really bad year for Kubiak to have a slump year. Despite what the Chron told us, this team still has holes and they are "loudest" on defense. I think another .500 season would kind of suck but I wouldn't be screaming for anybody's head to roll because of it. But that's just me. I haven't seen Kubiak miss any tackles or assignments. Perhaps it is his fault for not recognizing he's got a bunch of *******s who can't execute on the field..... Just my 2 cents on this.....
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Old 10-02-2009, 09:34 AM
NBT NBT is offline
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I have expounded at length on the state of the team so I won't belabor it. The one who has to make the decision on Kubiak's future resides in the owner's box. Look at how many years we railed at the boneheaded decisions of Bud Adams with our Oilers. I think Fisher would have won sooner had Adams not interferred in football decisions. McNair is smarter than Adams, but he is distracted by his other business affairs. He would do better by hiring someone like "The Big Tuna" to head up the whole organization, then we could be assured we would be getting his full attention. But alas there is no Parcells out there right now.
NBT - Elder statesman. Wisdom comes with age - Now if i could remember what it was!
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Old 10-02-2009, 12:55 PM
popanot popanot is offline
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But Russell's epic struggles to start the season can't go on forever, and if they don't stop in Houston this week, it's fair to wonder when the downward spiral will stop.

A matchup can't get any easier than the Texans. Houston is the last-ranked defense in the league, is 27th in the league in yards per attempt allowed despite playing a rookie (Mark Sanchez), a 36-year old (Kerry Collins), and a David Garrard.
Oakland's running game was supposed to carry the team, but it has been mediocre at best.

Russell is making life difficult on everyone in Oakland, but the Texans make life easy for explosive opposing running backs. Houston is last in the NFL in rushing yards allowed and rushing yards per carry allowed. McFadden needs to carry his team, just like Chris Johnson and Maurice Jones-Drew did against the Texans.
That's sad...
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Old 10-02-2009, 02:23 PM
sinnister sinnister is offline
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Originally Posted by NBT View Post
I have expounded at length on the state of the team so I won't belabor it. The one who has to make the decision on Kubiak's future resides in the owner's box. Look at how many years we railed at the boneheaded decisions of Bud Adams with our Oilers. I think Fisher would have won sooner had Adams not interferred in football decisions. McNair is smarter than Adams, but he is distracted by his other business affairs. He would do better by hiring someone like "The Big Tuna" to head up the whole organization, then we could be assured we would be getting his full attention. But alas there is no Parcells out there right now.
If you look at Parcells record after Bellichek left, it's not nearly as impressive as when Bellichek was his D cordinator. Also, I am not sure about him as a GM. Bill Polian is a great GM.
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