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Old 10-27-2008, 07:54 AM
popanot popanot is offline
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Originally Posted by Mike View Post
Ced is a big old pile of B-U-S-T. He is not even a young version of Ron Dayne. He is not popular, has a questionable and history and has underperformed. Those are three strikes and you are out. I think you answered your own question, he is just not a good NFL player. It happens. See Carr, David, Harrington, Joseph.....
My point is, they should still bring these guys in for a look. You never know, you might hit gold. This roster isn't so deep to justify not even taking a look. As for some of these players, sometimes humiliation wakes a young guy up and a change is good. I went through it myself in my younger days. Time will tell with Benson. IMO, it's way too early to write him off and he didn't anything a milion other young people do - let alone young people with money and time on their hands.
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