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Old 11-26-2009, 01:25 AM
chuck chuck is offline
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Originally Posted by HPF Bob View Post
We're a team that always seems to be less than the sum of their parts...
This is a fantastic way to put it.

As for not being that far away, well, CD points out that the team can't run the ball. I assume he also points us to the run defense, which is awful. And just for the hell of it I'll throw in the pass rush, which I cannot call bad because it simply does not exist. So, yeah, other than that, and the special teams and the idiot coach and the stupefying play calling and horrible clock management and the clueless owner we're RIGHT THERE. Yep. We're pulling on the old Bum Phillips boot and preparing to kick the son of a bitch in. Sure we are.
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Old 11-26-2009, 11:40 AM
idymoe idymoe is offline
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The run defense has been very good lately, up until the last game. I think the whole defensive game plan was off for the Titans. There was no pressure on VY. He had plenty of time to wait on his receivers and do that little wristy pass with his feet planted. I think they should have had Cushing blitzing with man coverage and put some pressure on Vince to get rid of the ball quick. Of course, 20 points is not a huge amount to give up.

I really believe that Studdard and Meyers are ruining the offense. They get a good downfield block occasionally, but you can't run between the tackles with those two. I think the Texans needed more underneath routes against the Tits for ball controll, with no running game. Especially in the 2nd half.

I'm disappointed in the loss, but seriously, how much hysterical whining do we have to wade through after every loss. I get so tired of the "its a message board, you are supposed to express your opinion" crap. Ok, my opinion is discuss the game, but if you're so upset, grow a sac and keep the girlish hysterics to yourself.

Bring it on, Nancys.
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Old 11-26-2009, 10:48 PM
Arky Arky is offline
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Originally Posted by idymoe View Post
The run defense has been very good lately, up until the last game. I think the whole defensive game plan was off for the Titans. There was no pressure on VY. He had plenty of time to wait on his receivers and do that little wristy pass with his feet planted. I think they should have had Cushing blitzing with man coverage and put some pressure on Vince to get rid of the ball quick. Of course, 20 points is not a huge amount to give up.

I really believe that Studdard and Meyers are ruining the offense. They get a good downfield block occasionally, but you can't run between the tackles with those two. I think the Texans needed more underneath routes against the Tits for ball controll, with no running game. Especially in the 2nd half.

I'm disappointed in the loss, but seriously, how much hysterical whining do we have to wade through after every loss. I get so tired of the "its a message board, you are supposed to express your opinion" crap. Ok, my opinion is discuss the game, but if you're so upset, grow a sac and keep the girlish hysterics to yourself.

Bring it on, Nancys.
I hear ya.

People complaining about mediocrity/.500? Eh, there's a whole lot worse things than .500.....

In some circles, another adjective for .500 is "respectable" - but I'm in the glass half full camp....

Last year, at one point, the Texans were 3-7 with much wailing and crying. But they went 5-1 down the stretch and had it going (except for the blip that was the Raiders game)....

There's still a lot of season left - 6 games.... Maybe they can do it again.. maybe not.... we'll see...

There were a couple of Oiler years where they had a problem in the close games - terrible record when the game was decided by a touchdown or less. They eventually overcame it and prospered...
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Old 11-26-2009, 11:36 PM
chuck chuck is offline
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Listen, I'm not going to get into who's ponied up season ticket and PSL money and who hasn't and who rearranges his schedule to come to Houston to attend the games and who doesn't. And, by extension, who has the footing to be disappointed when the ceiling is mediocrity and to demonstrate this displeasure in a financial manner and who doesn't.

All I can say is that I am surprised that some of you seem to be content to be fans of a team that occasionally elevates itself to the lofty heights of mediocrity. VERY occasionally, actually.

Maybe if I used Texans football as a three hour weekly foil for my real passion - watching fat people eat purple cotton candy on the Food Network - I'd be more sanguine. Or maybe if I were a fan of another NFL team and used the Texans to guinea pig my ideas and emotions I'd be a lot less hostile to the fact that the franchise clearly has no purpose, leadership, vision or future.

But I'm not.
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Old 11-27-2009, 02:24 AM
Arky Arky is offline
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Originally Posted by chuck View Post
Listen, I'm not going to get into who's ponied up season ticket and PSL money and who hasn't and who rearranges his schedule to come to Houston to attend the games and who doesn't. And, by extension, who has the footing to be disappointed when the ceiling is mediocrity and to demonstrate this displeasure in a financial manner and who doesn't.

All I can say is that I am surprised that some of you seem to be content to be fans of a team that occasionally elevates itself to the lofty heights of mediocrity. VERY occasionally, actually.

Maybe if I used Texans football as a three hour weekly foil for my real passion - watching fat people eat purple cotton candy on the Food Network - I'd be more sanguine. Or maybe if I were a fan of another NFL team and used the Texans to guinea pig my ideas and emotions I'd be a lot less hostile to the fact that the franchise clearly has no purpose, leadership, vision or future.

But I'm not.
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Old 11-27-2009, 08:50 AM
barrett barrett is offline
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Originally Posted by chuck View Post
Listen, I'm not going to get into who's ponied up season ticket and PSL money and who hasn't and who rearranges his schedule to come to Houston to attend the games and who doesn't. And, by extension, who has the footing to be disappointed when the ceiling is mediocrity and to demonstrate this displeasure in a financial manner and who doesn't.

All I can say is that I am surprised that some of you seem to be content to be fans of a team that occasionally elevates itself to the lofty heights of mediocrity. VERY occasionally, actually.

Maybe if I used Texans football as a three hour weekly foil for my real passion - watching fat people eat purple cotton candy on the Food Network - I'd be more sanguine. Or maybe if I were a fan of another NFL team and used the Texans to guinea pig my ideas and emotions I'd be a lot less hostile to the fact that the franchise clearly has no purpose, leadership, vision or future.

But I'm not.
I hope you don't fall off of that high horse Chuck.

I am also glad you have decided not to get into all of those things...oh do...immediately after you said you wouldn't.

Your PSL and your financial committment mean nothing in regards to you verses any other fan. I am lucky to attend one game a year in person, and yet I proudly follow the team with as much committment as anyone. I feel the exact same way you do about this team and I agree it is pathetic we are at this point, and doubly pathetic that some people are ok with it.

But give us a break on the "I spend money so I am a better fan" routine.
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Old 11-27-2009, 11:30 AM
Arky Arky is offline
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Originally Posted by barrett View Post
I feel the exact same way you do about this team and I agree it is pathetic we are at this point, and doubly pathetic that some people are ok with it.
For the record, I believe I and others are not OK with it and would love to see winning football. IMO, a .500 team deserves to be treated exactly that way - 1/2 way up (or down for the glass half empties) the pathetic scale. I believe the original complaint from the other poster was that some people were crying and whining like this is a total disaster team - and that is just simply not the case. If I had my druthers between a disaster team and and a .500 team, I'd take the .500 team all day long....
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Old 11-27-2009, 11:55 AM
Big Texas Big Texas is offline
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Originally Posted by idymoe View Post
The run defense has been very good lately, up until the last game. I think the whole defensive game plan was off for the Titans. There was no pressure on VY. He had plenty of time to wait on his receivers and do that little wristy pass with his feet planted. I think they should have had Cushing blitzing with man coverage and put some pressure on Vince to get rid of the ball quick. Of course, 20 points is not a huge amount to give up.

I really believe that Studdard and Meyers are ruining the offense. They get a good downfield block occasionally, but you can't run between the tackles with those two. I think the Texans needed more underneath routes against the Tits for ball controll, with no running game. Especially in the 2nd half.

I'm disappointed in the loss, but seriously, how much hysterical whining do we have to wade through after every loss. I get so tired of the "its a message board, you are supposed to express your opinion" crap. Ok, my opinion is discuss the game, but if you're so upset, grow a sac and keep the girlish hysterics to yourself.

Bring it on, Nancys.
Me personally I think our defense has been pretty decent over the last 4-5 games. However, a pass rush is something that we have been lacking for a long time. Either our execution is terrible or the blitz packages are terrible. However you look at it our pass rush is pathetic. Our dbs damn near have to cover the receiver for 10 seconds for us to get a sack.

I have noticed that teams are using Mario's aggressiveness to their benefit. They allow him to accelerate off the LOS while the qb is prepared to just step up into the pocket (where our DTs are putting no pressure). I say blitz the Cushing in the same gap as Mario. This could at least fill that gap, however it would make us highly susceptible to screens. Execution is key.

While I have the opportunity let me add. Alot of people were really down on DRob for getting beat by Britt (I believe), me included. However I can not put that solely on him. This team was geared towards stopping the big play. (which subsequently they gave maybe once) I do not blame DRob for looking into the backfield on those play action plays. CJohnson demands that sort of attention. Sure he could've played better but I am not gonna say he sucks.
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Old 11-27-2009, 02:01 PM
barrett barrett is offline
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Originally Posted by Arky View Post
For the record, I believe I and others are not OK with it and would love to see winning football. IMO, a .500 team deserves to be treated exactly that way - 1/2 way up (or down for the glass half empties) the pathetic scale. I believe the original complaint from the other poster was that some people were crying and whining like this is a total disaster team - and that is just simply not the case. If I had my druthers between a disaster team and and a .500 team, I'd take the .500 team all day long....
I wasn't saying you in particular Arky. I was simply telling Chuck that I agreed with his point about the season going bad, but I am fed up with his constant reminders of the money he spends on tickets and the threats to stop spending it.

As for your assertion about a .500 team I get what you are saying. But it is more complicated then that for me. I can put up with .500 if we are getting better. I can even put up with sub .500 if we are getting better. Getting better encourages hope for the future. However, we are not getting better and I am really doubting we ever do in the team's current makeup. We are plenty good at the game of football and plenty talented, we are simply not good at winning football games.
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