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Old 01-29-2021, 09:30 AM
bikerack bikerack is offline
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Sounds like Cal is skipping the Culley presser today
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Old 01-29-2021, 01:10 PM
chuck chuck is offline
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Originally Posted by bikerack View Post
Sounds like Cal is skipping the Culley presser today
Tent revival out Rosenberg way.
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Old 02-08-2021, 08:09 AM
bikerack bikerack is offline
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My friend has survived the purge so far but he says more pink slips are coming...I think he isn't going to quit on his own accord for right now but wouldn't mind being fired (severance)...

Players are understandably upset that the equipment manager and his staff were let go.

There are 2 people happy at NRG right now and Caserio isn't one of them. Sounds like he is regretting his decision...

Watson has communicated (not himself directly) his willingness to sit out the entire year.
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Old 02-08-2021, 10:14 AM
chuck chuck is offline
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I'd heard that Caserio is regretting his decision to take the job and wondered if it was true. I mean, he had to know what sort of a shitshow he was getting into, right? And if it all stems from Cal's ceding who knows how much authority to Easterby, he knows Easterby well and should have known what sort of chaos an idiot like that can create when left unimpeded and/or he should, as GM, have the authority to correct any egregious power imbalance.

But I guess not.

At some point, when it's appropriate, I would be interested to know in what sort of position your friend serves (served). I have no interest in figuring out who he is or any of that, I've always just wondered what his role is and where his point of interaction with the team is.

I wonder if Deshaun is ever going to go public with his point of view. Despite the organization's blistering incompetence being on full display, there is a considerable amount of pro-organization, anti-Deshaun sentiment out there. That's to be expected in a place like Houston, of course, but if this drags on, and it appears that it will, I think he needs some PR.
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Old 02-09-2021, 01:02 AM
barrett barrett is offline
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Originally Posted by chuck View Post
I'd heard that Caserio is regretting his decision to take the job and wondered if it was true. I mean, he had to know what sort of a shitshow he was getting into, right? And if it all stems from Cal's ceding who knows how much authority to Easterby, he knows Easterby well and should have known what sort of chaos an idiot like that can create when left unimpeded and/or he should, as GM, have the authority to correct any egregious power imbalance.

But I guess not.

At some point, when it's appropriate, I would be interested to know in what sort of position your friend serves (served). I have no interest in figuring out who he is or any of that, I've always just wondered what his role is and where his point of interaction with the team is.

I wonder if Deshaun is ever going to go public with his point of view. Despite the organization's blistering incompetence being on full display, there is a considerable amount of pro-organization, anti-Deshaun sentiment out there. That's to be expected in a place like Houston, of course, but if this drags on, and it appears that it will, I think he needs some PR.
I haven't heard any anti-Deshaun sentiment. The guy had to tell fans to not protest on his behalf in the middle of a quarantine. He is universally beloved in this city and I don't know one person who is holding this against him. Who in Houston are you talking to that is anti-Deshaun?
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Old 02-09-2021, 11:37 AM
chuck chuck is offline
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Originally Posted by barrett View Post
I haven't heard any anti-Deshaun sentiment. The guy had to tell fans to not protest on his behalf in the middle of a quarantine. He is universally beloved in this city and I don't know one person who is holding this against him. Who in Houston are you talking to that is anti-Deshaun?
Go to texanstalk and you'll get all the pro-org idiocy you want.

See also: Twitter

There is plenty - plenty - of He done signed a contract an he gown honor by gum sentiment out there. And Go head awn an let him sit out, this ain't the NBA.

I'll never really understand why necks who don't even have a full spool of bob wire to their names will side with billionaire owners over millionaire players. And before anyone suggests the obvious, they do it with white players, too. It's a real puzzler.
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Old 02-10-2021, 11:23 AM
bikerack bikerack is offline
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I'm not anti-Deshaun but mentally, I have moved on. I wish him nothing but the best and hope he wins a SB wherever he goes.

Now, if he stays in HOU, I'll be pleasantly surprised and continue to root for him.
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Old 02-10-2021, 11:24 AM
bikerack bikerack is offline
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I'm sure everyone has seen that Jamey Rootes resigned effective immediately. He tried to resign weeks ago but was talked into waiting.

Last edited by bikerack; 02-10-2021 at 12:05 PM.
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Old 02-10-2021, 11:27 AM
barrett barrett is offline
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Originally Posted by chuck View Post
Go to texanstalk and you'll get all the pro-org idiocy you want.

See also: Twitter

There is plenty - plenty - of He done signed a contract an he gown honor by gum sentiment out there. And Go head awn an let him sit out, this ain't the NBA.

I'll never really understand why necks who don't even have a full spool of bob wire to their names will side with billionaire owners over millionaire players. And before anyone suggests the obvious, they do it with white players, too. It's a real puzzler.
I saw a watson trade thread on there with 3000 replies and in the first 100 or so all I saw was either don't trade him or amateur draftniks drooling over picks. I have no idea what's on Twitter, but I assume nothing good since it's the worst of humanity.

But I think the huge majority of Houston is firmly in Watson's camp. I would guess the Texans permanently lose a whole lot of fans if they trade him. I don't think he has any need of a PR man whether he stays or goes. I fully agree with you it's dumb that people call players greedy when a player and owner argue over money. I think it's easier for most people to be jealous of players than owners. Most people have met great athletes (even if it was just in HS). I have a feeling if most people met the super rich they would quickly switch sides.
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