I am going to get a lot of disagreement here, but who cares:
1. I don't think that Bush is the problem.
2. The problem is solely on our safety play and Corners minus Dunta specifically Fred Bennett, whose been getting lit up like a Christmas tree.
Yes our DT's are a problem but they are not the reason we are losing. We did a magnificent job on Jones-Drew, Henry, and Johnson for most of the time. You have got to be kidding yourself if you think that we can shut those players down all game. (of course it canhappen but not for us right now) Every now and then the RB is going to get into the secondary. They have to be there to do there part. What do they think, the action will never come their way. We did a damn good job on Drew for the most part until Busing decided he was Polamalu and tried to get a jump on on the run. Drew cut back and never looked back. Its not like Wilson was gonna help.
Overall our safeties are not good and not fast so we cannot afford to have them do anything else but play safety. (Hence the name) Be the last line of defense. Dont try to do things you are not capable of doing. Just stay back watch and wait. In other words lane integrity.
Also the reason we are getting torched on 3rd down is because the teams we have played have made a strong commitment to the run. Then on third and long they realize that Bennett and everyone not named Dunta can't cover. Did you see #11 misuse and abuse Bennett. It always seems to be on third down. Wait til Peyton gets a look at our secondary.