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Old 10-05-2008, 04:20 PM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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Other than the Oiler playoff losses at Buffalo and home against Kansas City, that was probably the most deflating loss Houston has ever experienced. That was like Lucy yanking the ball away from Charlie Brown.

That was a meltdown for the ages. I don't mind the rollouts on those critical downs but you've GOT to protect the ball. Rosenfels committed the cardinal sin three times in one quarter. The first time, he got away with it and the other two he didn't and it blew up in our faces.

If they wanted to revive the spirit of Houston fans in the wake of Ike, I'd say they missed the mark.
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Old 10-05-2008, 05:36 PM
chuck chuck is offline
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You don't run the ball into the teeth of a nine man front and expect to do anything positive. Kubiak is either stupid or stubborn, probably both. Sage wouldn't have found himself in the position he was in if they'd ever gained any positive yardage on first or second down. Third and long and he tries to make a play. He f'ks up. But only after two insane play calls given the formation that the Colts were in.

Guess what, though? After the game Sage owned up to his mistakes. I have never once heard Kubiak admit any sort of mistake this year. Not once.

The Texans are going to get trounced by the Dolphins and will probably (probably!) beat the Lions. After that I don't see another likely win. No, I do not think this team can beat the Bengals.

Would a 2, 3, 4 win season be enough to run Kubiak out of town? I doubt it. McNair loves having a hometown fellow as the coach regardless of how terrible his performance.
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Old 10-05-2008, 05:58 PM
TexicanMexican TexicanMexican is offline
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I just got home from the game. I'm telling you I've never been this upset after a Texans loss. That was just an unbelievable choke job. I'm doing something I rarely do...I'm going into a football blackout tonight and maybe tomorrow...I'm that pissed...see ya in a few days!
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Old 10-05-2008, 06:02 PM
Big Texas Big Texas is offline
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Originally Posted by sinnister View Post
I dont buy that. If he goes down, Colts use 3rd timeout. They punt. You have to drive and score, and recover an onside kick.......It is common sense.....He tried to win the game on his own, and it cost us the game......
Let me reiterate. That was a dumb ass decision on the part of Sage. I was only noting that as a second stringer Sage tends to take more chances than he should. In recent years those chances have paid off for him. Thus leading to the qb controversy talks.

Granted majority of the time he had no choice but to just air it out because most of the time the team was already losing badly or was out of contention for the playoffs.

Todays mistakes were the result of years of getting away with it. "Have fun throughout the game. Make daring plays. But when the f#@$#in game is on the line just go down and punt it away"

But I get it, his adrenalin was pumpin, he was instrumental in leading this team to the position they were in. I can imagine he was thinkin "wouldnt it be great to be this week's David Garrard, to pick up the game sealing first down"

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Old 10-05-2008, 10:11 PM
Mike Mike is offline
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Originally Posted by HPF Bob View Post
Other than the Oiler playoff losses at Buffalo and home against Kansas City, that was probably the most deflating loss Houston has ever experienced. That was like Lucy yanking the ball away from Charlie Brown.

That was a meltdown for the ages. I don't mind the rollouts on those critical downs but you've GOT to protect the ball. Rosenfels committed the cardinal sin three times in one quarter. The first time, he got away with it and the other two he didn't and it blew up in our faces.

If they wanted to revive the spirit of Houston fans in the wake of Ike, I'd say they missed the mark.
I've never been so deflated. This hurts. It was a resounding win that we just handed to them. The defense played good enough to win. I am about to embark on a miserable week.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. PS 23:4
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Old 10-06-2008, 01:03 AM
coloradodude coloradodude is offline
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Just take a moment and imagine how I feel...these morons up here actually think they are going to the Super Bowl every year. And they won today by 3 points over a terrible Tampa Bay team.

And now we went and provided all the highlights needed for the next 7 days until the Dolphins provide the next clips of the Center doing a direct snap to Ronnie Brown for a 14 yard TD.
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