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Old 02-17-2012, 01:31 AM
painekiller painekiller is offline
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Originally Posted by nunusguy View Post
Don't you think Irsay moved away from Peyton a long time ago ?
Yes I do think that, but that will not stop Peyton from trying to win the public relation war. Indy fans do not want him to end up in Houston.
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Old 02-17-2012, 11:34 AM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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Originally Posted by barrett View Post
Are you serious? Your argument for keeping schaub instead of manning is he ONLY won one superbowl?
Totally. YOUR argument was that we needed to get Manning because the only reason to play in the NFL is to win the Super Bowl and we should jettison everything we've built (Mario, Schaub) so we can add one person who has won one Super Bowl. As great as Manning has been, he has only won one Super Bowl in 13 seasons (7%) and only appeared in the Super Bowl twice (15%).

IOW, adding Manning is FAR from any guarantee of making or winning a Super Bowl yet you're willing to sacrifice so much just to add him to the roster. Ask the Vikings how that strategy worked with Brett Favre. In fact, ask the Jets too while you're at it.
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Old 03-08-2012, 08:26 AM
Joshua Joshua is offline
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The more I think about it, I think the Texans should, at the very least, find out if Peyton is healthy, and if he is, seriously see what it would take to get him here. I suspect money won't be a huge part of the equation for Peyton and Houston would have to be one of the more attractive options. Good offensive line, elite running back and receiver, arguably an opening at the No. 2 WR for his buddy Reggie Wayne (who also is from the U and good buddies with the No. 1 WR), and a chance for them to stick it to the Colts twice a year.

If he's healthy, I'd work out a tentative deal then call the Redskins and offer them Schaub and our first rounder for their 1st rounder. Move up to No. 6 in the draft (Dontari Poe?) and add Peyton at QB and we're probably the consensus Super Bowl favorites.
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Old 03-08-2012, 08:37 AM
popanot popanot is offline
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Of course it'll never happen, but it's fun to fantasize what a healthy Manning and this offense could do. I'd suspect that Manning would jump at the chance to play here over the supposed other teams that are interested and would quite possibly take less $ to do it. This is all a wet dream, though. No way this franchise makes that sort of bold/risky move when they're seemly so close to contending for a SB. I know, I'd take a healthy Manning over Schaub any day of the week, but this management team is fairly conservative and extremely loyal to its players (sometimes to a fault).
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Old 03-08-2012, 03:46 PM
Nconroe Nconroe is offline
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I guess fun to think about this, but I think after 4 neck surgeries and 36 years old it is a huge risk that if failed could cost us the playoffs.

so, pretty much agree with idea Peyton Manning won't be coming here.

I don't even see it as a priority.

Atleast twelve teams interested, surely some of them have much more cap space to pay Peyton much more than Texans could offer.

But take a look, talk, sure, why not.
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Old 03-08-2012, 04:01 PM
Joshua Joshua is offline
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Originally Posted by Nconroe View Post
Atleast twelve teams interested, surely some of them have much more cap space to pay Peyton much more than Texans could offer.

But take a look, talk, sure, why not.
Agree this is probably nothing more than message board fodder.

I actually don't think money will play much role, if any, on where he goes. Although, if it does, the Texans are clearly out of it. I think, at this stage in his career, being somewhere where he has a chance to compete for a Super Bowl is his primary goal. I can't imagine him wasting the last few years of his career on a crappy team just so he can pocket an extra $5 million or so. And while I usually agree that guys generally go for the biggest payday, Manning is at the point in his career where really good players who've made a buttload of money do seem to look for an opportunity to win over money.
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