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Old 07-24-2008, 12:24 AM
mussop mussop is offline
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Originally Posted by KJ3 View Post
haha yea....SOME of us need a grip hahaha...

Originally Posted by KJ3 View Post
that's exactly the problem homie, we would be getting brett favre at 38 not brett favre "of the last 15 years". and averaged out, his last handful of years have been not-so great.
Look at the talent level he has played with the last 3 years. Then consider what he accomplished last year, "homie".

Originally Posted by KJ3 View Post
yes, he was promised a starting job.
Thats the problem. He should have to earn a starting job not be promissed it. If we got Favre and Shaub outplayed him fine.

Originally Posted by KJ3 View Post
without question yes.
in what way?

Originally Posted by KJ3 View Post
you think the players opinion of favre's little kicking and screaming ordeal of the last few weeks has gone over well with anyone?
Show me one single report that another player thinks less of Favre for wanting to come back. Only people like you and the Media are of the opinion that Favre is kicking and screaming. Its really been blown out of porportion.

Originally Posted by KJ3 View Post
it's a question mark because we haven't seen enough. as in: we need to see more schaub. besides, favre seemed like an awesome mentor to aaron rodgers...
He would have to stay on the field for us to see more of him.

Originally Posted by KJ3 View Post
what makes you think a 38 year old with 27 seasons of football on his body can? just because he did it last year and 26 seasons before that? that won't mean anything to anybody on the field.

Originally Posted by KJ3 View Post
favre for sage, eh? that's cool. i'm fine with favre the backup. except that he gets paid 12 mil or something ridiculous.
If he is better than Schaub why should he be the backup?
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Old 07-24-2008, 12:30 AM
mussop mussop is offline
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Originally Posted by Keith View Post
According to the Wisconsin State Journal, the Texans are one of eight team the Packers thinks are possible trading partners in a deal for Favre.

I cant wait to see Favre in steel blue! (in the wheel chair guy on familly guys voice) LETS DO THIS....YEAH!!!
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Old 07-24-2008, 12:35 AM
Keith Keith is offline
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Well, don't pin your hopes on it. I don't have any linkage on this, so take it fwiw... unsubstantiated interweb chatter... but word is when the Packers called the Texans about a trade, the Texans said no.

Probably not a surprising answer, either.
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Old 07-24-2008, 07:29 AM
KJ3 KJ3 is offline
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Originally Posted by mussop View Post
Look at the talent level he has played with the last 3 years. Then consider what he accomplished last year, "homie".
consider what he accomplished last year with a great field of talent around him? so his team has to be good or he doesn't show up? consider it considered.
Thats the problem. He should have to earn a starting job not be promissed it. If we got Favre and Shaub outplayed him fine.
maybe so...but that doesn't change the fact that it's still schaub's job. if he didn't lose it to sage, favre shouldn't even be a concern.
in what way?

Show me one single report that another player thinks less of Favre for wanting to come back. Only people like you and the Media are of the opinion that Favre is kicking and screaming. Its really been blown out of porportion.
i have to have an article for that? for cereal? people generally dislike temper tantrums, so i have to assume nfl players are people and that favre IS throwing himself a put one and one together. it makes eleven. my guess is the packers lockerroom isn't a field of daisies right now.
He would have to stay on the field for us to see more of him.
so you agree? more playing time for schaub. because he was damn good while on the field, devoid of any sort of weapon-type player no less.

why am i even keeping this up? favre to the texans: bum-dum pshhhhhh!! favre using a packer cell phone to call the vikings: bum-dum pshhhhhH!! brett favre is a 4 year old girl crossing her arms and stomping the ground. you know what bad little children need? a good shutting the f up.
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Old 07-24-2008, 08:48 AM
cadams cadams is offline
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Man, I just don't see this happening. I don't think this is the direction that Smith and Kubiak really want to go, especially with Sage still at the backup. Also, I am not sure I would like this move either. I can't imagine GB would give him away, and the Texans need thier draft picks.
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Old 07-24-2008, 02:50 PM
KJ3 KJ3 is offline
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Originally Posted by cadams View Post
Man, I just don't see this happening. I don't think this is the direction that Smith and Kubiak really want to go, especially with Sage still at the backup. Also, I am not sure I would like this move either. I can't imagine GB would give him away, and the Texans need thier draft picks.
nailed it 100%. not a chink in that armor.
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Old 07-24-2008, 03:18 PM
Joshua Joshua is offline
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The way I see it is Green Bay doesn't want Favre because it would rather move forward with Aaron Rodgers (despite Favre's legendary status there and the PR nightmare of telling him he's not wanted). I could be wrong but I suspect it is a virtual guarantee that Kubiak and Smith wouldn't trade Schaub for Rodgers. If that's the case, why would the Texans want Favre over Schaub when even Green Bay doesn't want him over Rodgers?
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Old 07-25-2008, 01:06 AM
TexicanMexican TexicanMexican is offline
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Originally Posted by Joshua View Post
The way I see it is Green Bay doesn't want Favre because it would rather move forward with Aaron Rodgers (despite Favre's legendary status there and the PR nightmare of telling him he's not wanted). I could be wrong but I suspect it is a virtual guarantee that Kubiak and Smith wouldn't trade Schaub for Rodgers. If that's the case, why would the Texans want Favre over Schaub when even Green Bay doesn't want him over Rodgers?
I don't see him in a Texans uniform either. More than likely they have a script and are sticking to it unless something too good to pass up comes along. Farve doesn't fit that category. At least I don't think he does.
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Old 07-25-2008, 01:14 AM
mussop mussop is offline
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Originally Posted by KJ3 View Post
consider what he accomplished last year with a great field of talent around him? so his team has to be good or he doesn't show up? consider it considered.
Great field of talent? Whatever!

Originally Posted by KJ3 View Post
maybe so...but that doesn't change the fact that it's still schaub's job. if he didn't lose it to sage, favre shouldn't even be a concern.
Just because he didnt loose it to a career backup he shouldnt have to earn his spot?

Originally Posted by KJ3 View Post
i have to have an article for that? for cereal? people generally dislike temper tantrums, so i have to assume nfl players are people and that favre IS throwing himself a put one and one together. it makes eleven. my guess is the packers lockerroom isn't a field of daisies right now.
Yes show me an article or even one single quote from a current player that as a problem with what is going on with Favre. While youre at it please explain how hes throwing a temper tantrum. Ridiculous!!!!So he retired and now hes changed his mind. Big effen deal like its never happened before with any other player. You are basically making the tantrum part up because you think it makes youre argument look better. Sad!!

Originally Posted by KJ3 View Post
so you agree? more playing time for schaub. because he was damn good while on the field, devoid of any sort of weapon-type player no less.
Really, Favre was damn better with about the same amount of help.

Originally Posted by KJ3 View Post

why am i even keeping this up? favre to the texans: bum-dum pshhhhhh!! favre using a packer cell phone to call the vikings: bum-dum pshhhhhH!! brett favre is a 4 year old girl crossing her arms and stomping the ground. you know what bad little children need? a good shutting the f up.
Favre didnt have a cell phone that belonged to the Packers. More made up crap by the media to doll up their story. Kinda like youre version where he is throwing a "tantrum". bum-dum pshhhhhH!!

Last edited by mussop; 07-25-2008 at 02:00 AM.
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Old 07-25-2008, 02:26 AM
coloradodude coloradodude is offline
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Personally, I think the Texans see a type of Tom Brady in Matt Schaub. More of a calm, careful, methodical, cerebral QB than an athletic maverick.

The athletic playmakers do put butts in the seats because of the excitement they create but the cerebral QB's throughout the history of the league have more wins...Staubach, Griese (not Brian), etc.

I respect Favre for many reasons but he should stay retired. Where's he really gonna go that's considered a contender that doesn't already have a QB?
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Old 07-25-2008, 02:49 AM
Nconroe Nconroe is offline
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heresay is GB fans and players are split on support of Farve vs Rogers. many sites support that.

Just to look at a few of Farve's numbers of last three years and career to compare with say Schaub or Rosenfelds. 05 and 06 were not so good at all for Farve.

QB year Pct TD INT SCK Fumb RTG TO PT/G Wins
Farve 2007 66.5 28 15 15 9 95.7 +4 27.2 13
Farve 2006 56.0 18 18 21 8 72.7 8
Farve 2005 61.3 20 29 24 10 70.9 4
Farve overall 61.4 442 288 439 147 85.7

Schaub 07 66.4 9 9 16 7 87.2 -13 23.7 4
Rosenfels 7 64.2 15 12 6 4 84.8 4

Carr 2006 68.3 11 12 41 16 74.4 6

just stats, choose the ones you think might help your argument. to me looks like qb sacks, time to run a play, has a large effect on results
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Old 07-25-2008, 07:43 AM
KJ3 KJ3 is offline
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Originally Posted by mussop View Post
Great field of talent? Whatever!
my mistake, you're right. 13 wins (and a playoff win, right?) that favre took that pathetic packer team and put them over the top in the 4th quarter. talentless punkasses.

saying "whatever" and hitting an eye-rolling smiley? great point.
Just because he didnt loose it to a career backup he shouldnt have to earn his spot?
no. it's schaub's job to lose. why is that so hard to understand? he was given the job. if he was bad in his time on the field i might understand your manbone for favre but schaub was more than enough when healthy.
Yes show me an article or even one single quote from a current player that as a problem with what is going on with Favre. While youre at it please explain how hes throwing a temper tantrum. Ridiculous!!!!So he retired and now hes changed his mind. Big effen deal like its never happened before with any other player. You are basically making the tantrum part up because you think it makes youre argument look better. Sad!!

Really, Favre was damn better with about the same amount of help.
uhhh....really? have you eyes and ears? he tearfully retired and now he wants back, but not really, but he does, but he still hasn't filed his papers, but he's been using this cell phone, except the cell phone isn't real, but he has been in some contact with the vikings, but goodell wants in on the action, but he was in an interview with greta-face, but everybody oh i don't know can't decide between him and rodgers and if all of this is fake then WHAT THE F DO YOU CALL IT?!?!?! this is an athlete throwing a full on tantrum. just because you won't pay attention and then say, "WHTAVVERRR !" doesn't mean favre is being a good little girl.
Favre didnt have a cell phone that belonged to the Packers. More made up crap by the media to doll up their story. Kinda like youre version where he is throwing a "tantrum". bum-dum pshhhhhH!!
so...if a national sports news network, maybe like...i don't know...espn or something reports it for a day or two and i mention it on a message board before they call it back in i'm the idiot? how 'bout this:

people supporting favre to the texans, bumdum psssshh!!
three elephants fall out of a plane, two hit land, one hits water, bumdum psssshh!!!
two snare drums and a cymbal roll down a cliff, bumdum psssshhh!!!
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Old 07-25-2008, 10:15 AM
painekiller painekiller is offline
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Do you really think any of the teammates will/would go on the record and complain about the almighty Farve? Not just no but hell no they will not. Unlike Farve himself (when he inserted himself into Walkers negotiation) they know when to be quite.

That said, the NFL network did report that many of the packers wish Brett and the story would go away. Sorry i do not have it Tivoed.

Why would the players think that about superman? because when Farve retired, the team needed to move on and it did. The management and players prepared themselves for life after Farve, now he decides that he is bigger than the Packers and he wants to play. Never mind they have 3 quality QBs on the roster, unproven yes, but quality.

Farve go to CBS or FOX or ESPN and work on Sunday.
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Old 07-25-2008, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Keith View Post
Well, don't pin your hopes on it. I don't have any linkage on this, so take it fwiw... unsubstantiated interweb chatter... but word is when the Packers called the Texans about a trade, the Texans said no.

Probably not a surprising answer, either.
I see this as very short-sighted by Smith and Co.

They should have at least given a listen to what GB was willing to offer them for taking an over-the-hill, whining headache off their hands.
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Old 07-25-2008, 12:51 PM
cadams cadams is offline
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Originally Posted by Dave View Post
I see this as very short-sighted by Smith and Co.

They should have at least given a listen to what GB was willing to offer them for taking an over-the-hill, whining headache off their hands.
I would guess that they will be looking for a first day pick. The Texans need all of their draft picks. They aren't good/desperate enough to give away a high draft pick for a 1-2 year rental.

This is exactly opposite of shortsighted as far as I can tell.
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Old 07-25-2008, 01:22 PM
Nconroe Nconroe is offline
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Green Bay is desperate and would give us the first round pick along with Farve, that being the shortsighted part as I think some humor in that comment as I took it anyways.
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Old 07-25-2008, 01:46 PM
papabear papabear is offline
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I heard one of the talk radio guys say they think the market for Favre is only about a 4th rounder right now.....if some QB's get injured it could go to a second. Don't know if they were getting it from a source with a team or if that was just their best guess.
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Old 07-25-2008, 02:06 PM
cadams cadams is offline
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Originally Posted by Nconroe View Post
Green Bay is desperate and would give us the first round pick along with Farve, that being the shortsighted part as I think some humor in that comment as I took it anyways.
you are probably correct sir.
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Old 07-25-2008, 02:53 PM
KJ3 KJ3 is offline
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Originally Posted by Dave View Post
I see this as very short-sighted by Smith and Co.

They should have at least given a listen to what GB was willing to offer them for taking an over-the-hill, whining headache off their hands.
c'mon man, that's just a silly thing to say. what are you expecting? please take favre and 2 1st rounders? anything less than that isn't even getting a second thought. there is no reason to place all the faith in the world in schaub, i understand that but what he's shown has been very good. at this point though, despite earning his legendary status, favre is not a clearly better quarterback than schaub.
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Old 07-25-2008, 03:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Nconroe View Post
Green Bay is desperate and would give us the first round pick along with Farve, that being the shortsighted part as I think some humor in that comment as I took it anyways.
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