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Old 05-01-2008, 07:55 AM
Keith Keith is offline
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I'm guessing you mean the bull in the banner in the forums... yeah, I kinda thought it looked longhorn-ish, too, but it isn't. A forum member helped with that banner (I'd share the username if he said it would be okay to do so?), and it might be recognizable to some in the financial world.

The banner on the front page also features a bull... not sure it is really intelligble given my lack of graphical skills (yeah, I did that banner and it will get updated at some point). Anyway, that bull is part of the "Spirit of the Bull" sculptures outside Reliant Stadium. If I can get some better pictures, maybe I'll use one or more of those bulls in the banners.

Anyway, all the banners are in progress, but I have little hesitation in uploading work-in-progress. I kinda enjoy tinkering with this stuff and sharing in the process.
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Old 05-01-2008, 08:14 AM
Mike Mike is offline
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Nice job with the banners, it really dresses up the site. I might have a picture of the bulls in "Bud Plaza." If I have them, I will send them to you.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. PS 23:4
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Old 05-01-2008, 12:43 PM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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The one on the front page looks vaguely like a bullfrog with a drainpipe in the back.

Now that I'm running, I've had to dabble in some of this myself and I'm probably less skilled than you are at this. That's why I'm being snarky because I know I'm no better.
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Old 05-01-2008, 02:05 PM
popanot popanot is offline
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Originally Posted by Keith View Post
I'm guessing you mean the bull in the banner in the forums... yeah, I kinda thought it looked longhorn-ish, too, but it isn't. A forum member helped with that banner (I'd share the username if he said it would be okay to do so?), and it might be recognizable to some in the financial world.
It's okay to tell, Keith. I'm the one who did the new banner... I didn't realize it was so Bevo-ish until Keith pointed it out to me. I just sent Keith a new one that I think is a MAJOR upgrade and I think he'll like it. It more closely matches the look of a standard bull and is more colorful. I'm not sure if he'll use it though...

As for the one on the front page, that's sort of what drove me to create/propose a new one. Poor little guy looks kinda tired and is going down for a nap. Our Texans should be ready to gore, not nap!
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Old 05-01-2008, 03:09 PM
Keith Keith is offline
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Originally Posted by popanot View Post
It's okay to tell, Keith. I'm the one who did the new banner... I didn't realize it was so Bevo-ish until Keith pointed it out to me. I just sent Keith a new one that I think is a MAJOR upgrade and I think he'll like it. It more closely matches the look of a standard bull and is more colorful. I'm not sure if he'll use it though...
Agreed, major upgrade. I still think I might like the bull from one of the sculpures more. And I might be wrong about that, too. I'll put version 4 up in the forums later tonight.

Originally Posted by popanot View Post
As for the one on the front page, that's sort of what drove me to create/propose a new one. Poor little guy looks kinda tired and is going down for a nap. Our Texans should be ready to gore, not nap!
Probably didn't help that I finished that front page banner around 2am. The guy clicking around with the mouse probably resembled the little fella...
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Old 05-02-2008, 06:40 AM
popanot popanot is offline
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Originally Posted by Keith View Post
Agreed, major upgrade. I still think I might like the bull from one of the sculpures more. And I might be wrong about that, too. I'll put version 4 up in the forums later tonight.
Sent you an update to version 4 this morning.
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Old 05-02-2008, 07:17 AM
Keith Keith is offline
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Thanks! Okay, it's up in the forums... I like it. Reminds me a little of the Buffalo Sabres though.

Anyone else... thoughts?
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Old 05-02-2008, 07:33 AM
popanot popanot is offline
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I like it! It would look even better if you changed the grey background on the page to dark blue like on the main page.
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Old 05-02-2008, 11:40 AM
lebowski lebowski is offline
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I prefer a dark background as well. A la the dark option on . I like the site though. Pretty good quality posts so far.
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Old 05-02-2008, 01:00 PM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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This looks better. I would just take the banner here and transport it to the front page. Problems solved.

Edit: Looks great now. Banner and forum colors both attractive and yet not "official looking". Of course, a bikini-clad blonde laying on her side would accomplish the same thing ...but it would have made it more difficult to focus on football.

Then again, the color scheme does kinda say "Tennessee Titans", doesn't it?

Last edited by HPF Bob; 05-03-2008 at 02:45 PM.
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Old 05-06-2008, 11:46 PM
Keith Keith is offline
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You'll notice a new banner here in the forums and on the front page... I think I've settled on a look for the site, thanks very much to the help of popanot, who withstood several email exchanges not so unlike that Seinfeld episode where Elaine brought all those different white socks to her boss, Mr. Pitt.

ELAINE: So, what do you think?
PITT (pulling up the socks): No.
ELAINE: You don't like them?
PITT: No, I don't like them.
ELAINE: What's wrong?
PITT: They're too tight.
ELAINE: Too tight?
PITT: There's no elastic, you need to pull too much <pulls them up more>.
ELAINE (examining the socks): I think they look good!
PITT: They're cutting off the circulation.
ELAINE: Alright, well, I'll just take them back.
PITT: It's good, but...
ELAINE: But what??
PITT: Ultimately I don't think they'll stay up.
ELAINE (pulling up Pitt's socks): No, no! They'll stay up!
PITT: For a while, yes, but not in the long run.
ELAINE: But that's why I got you the tighter ones! <Holds them up.>
PITT: Oh, forget about those! <Takes the socks from Elaine and throws them on the floor.> Why do you keep mentioning those?
ELAINE: What do you want!?
PITT: I want a decent sock that's comfortable, that will stay on my foot!!
<Elaine curls up into a fetal position.>
Yeah, so big thanks to popanot!

Considering how the league's lawyers are getting tougher on the use of their copyright and other (er, public domain?) images that connote their property, hopefully we've done well enough here to tread a fine line along the borders of the law.

I've also added a few little bits here and there in addition to the new banner to pull the site together. Hope you guys like it. I'll probably never stop tinkering.

Originally Posted by HPF Bob View Post
Then again, the color scheme does kinda say "Tennessee Titans", doesn't it?
Yikes, not the intent. Maybe I need more red somewhere, or maybe this is a subtle linkage of the Oilers and Texans. Yeah.

And yeah, when I get time hopefully later this summer I'll try to work up a darkside option for the forums. It can be easier on the eyes sometimes, I agree.

Anyhoo, check out my shirt size poll as I might try to get some t-shirts printed up in hopes that you guys might some day be walking billboards for the site.
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Old 05-07-2008, 05:34 AM
popanot popanot is offline
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My pleasure, Keith. Please remit payment to my Paypal account at your earliest convenience. Aw hell, just shoot me a t-shirt once you get them in. As for tweaking, don't surprised if you get updates from time to time on that bull. I already see some things I want to fix on it.

Oh, BTW... Keith wasn't difficult to work with at all. A bit anal, but not difficult. It's hard to see in the small banner, but the pupil in the bull's eye is actually similar (go away, laywer folk) to the star on a toro that we all know and love. Yes, a bit anal...but nice touch.

Last edited by popanot; 05-07-2008 at 05:47 AM.
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Old 05-10-2008, 02:01 PM
painekiller painekiller is offline
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BTW Keith the new color scheme looks great. I like the darker blue on the outside. Less of an Oiler feel (Dang Bob for puttting that in my head.).
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Old 05-10-2008, 02:30 PM
popanot popanot is offline
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I think it's the lighter blue that frames the posts that gives it a slight Titans look. It doesn't bother me, really. But if a change needs to be made, maybe grab the gray out of the bull's snout and give that a try. Either that, or maybe try black.
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Old 05-10-2008, 04:20 PM
Keith Keith is offline
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I lightened the blue a little bit to be a little less Titan-y. I could go totally gray, but I think that's a little drab, and the black with the blue doesn't sit well with me.

At some point this summer, I'll probably work up a darker version of the forum as an alterative option, using lighter text for the posts and a really dark blue for the background... or something along those lines.
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