Can the Texans Beat the Jinx?
They have not only had a hecuva hard schedule to begin the NFL season, but the last game showed they have had the evil eye on 'em. Houston seems to be a hardluck town for sports teams. At least the pro football ones. I know the offensive line needed time to get the ZBS of coach Gibbs down, and the defense was missing a true DRE, but barrin all that, some would said we choked. I don't buy that, I think Sage wanted that game very much. It just was not to be. After the whirligig fumble returned for a TD, Sage was trying too hard and took too much on himself. However, having said that, the team is going to have to learn how to play to win, not just survive. That is the job Kubiak has in store for him this week.
NBT - Elder statesman. Wisdom comes with age - Now if i could remember what it was!
Last edited by NBT; 10-09-2008 at 10:27 PM.