A Manning Factoid
As the Manning coronation took place on Sunday night, NBC flashed a little factoid that said more of his TD passes have come against the Texans than any other NFL team. What's interesting about that is that Manning was in the NFL for four years before the Texans even had a roster.
Sort of parallels Hank Aaron who hit more non-juiced home runs than anyone in baseball history and still owns the record for most home runs hit against the Astros than any ML player (Albert Pujols may yet break it but he's still a few away). The amazing thing about Aaron's feat is that he was in the majors for eight years before the Houston franchise took the field. And, to top that off, Aaron could not enjoy a divisional advantage in games against Houston until 1969. He was sent to the American League in 1975 so he had just six years to feast on an unbalanced schedule.