Originally Posted by edo783
From Adam Schefter: (Last line is pretty interesting)
A source familiar with the Brian Cushing case has revealed more details to ESPN NFL Insider Adam Schefter. A positive test occurred in early September, and Cushing tested negative for any substance twice before he was ever alerted that he had initially tested positive (both within days of the initial positive test). And after being alerted of the positive test Brian was tested randomly numerous times throughout the season and never tested positive. In addition, the test was positive for slightly elevated levels of hCG (a non-steroidal substance - hCG is a hormone produced naturally by the body). The level that he tested positive for was so low that it would not have been considered a "positive" test even a year ago.
wth... two negative tests within days, and then bamm a positive one that is so low it wouldnt have counted last year?
This stinks of either a deficieny of the drug testing or a flat out broken policy.