This is not a surprise, but the next question is going to be whether the Texans will attempt to restructure and extend the final three years on Schaub's contract. As always, the murky gray of the CBA negotiations probably means nothing happens soon.
Quote is from owner Bob McNair via Nick Scurfield's blog on the Official:
(on if he will extend QB Matt Schaub’s bonus to extend next three years of his contract) “Well, yeah, it’s an option bonus, and in our option, we can extend him, and he’s done an outstanding job for us and we will be extending him. There’s no question about that.” ...
(on when they decided that) “The first time we discussed him. The first time he came up, it was a no-brainer. There’s no way that we’re not going to keep Matt. He’s our quarterback, and the team has confidence in him. He’s shown great courage. You’ve seen when he’s gotten injured, he’s gone back out there and led his team, so he’s really won the respect of his teammates, and that’s what you need.”
(on if that is to be done in March) “It probably is. I really haven’t even looked at it because it was just something that we had already decided whenever it was time to do it, we’ll do it.”
The timing aspect in the last part is only of interest as it relates to the 2009 cap as far as I can tell. Currently 25% of the option bonus is on the books for 2009 (as the team can spread the three-year option bonus across four years if exercised by sometime in February, can't remember the exact date), but it doesn't have to be if the team were running out of room.
On a somewhat related note, I am WAY behind on cap page updates. There isn't really that much to update, but I've been letting it collect dust during the season. Hopefully I'll get cracking at it again before too long. Even though 2010 is uncapped, I still intend to keep up as best as I can as well as try to get 2009 cleaned up before we get to February.