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Old 08-30-2017, 10:57 AM
Arky Arky is offline
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Default Texans vs. Cowboys fake game canceled

No game.

So the players can be be with their families. Drying out time. So, just 3 preseason games this year. Might make the cuts a little tougher....
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Old 08-30-2017, 11:45 AM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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I'm of two minds. It's very difficult to play such an intense game when your heart isn't in it and I understand many players don't have the right mindset because of the tragedy. However, with roads impassable and many filling shelters and hotels with people who *can't* go home, why add 150+ people who could be elsewhere doing something better?

Were I a player, I would be looking to get my family out of town - not trying to join them in Houston. Houses can be rebuilt. Neighborhoods can be cleaned up and made liveable again. Wardrobes and furniture can be repaired or replaced. Getting the family to safety should be the first priority.

I wonder if any Week 1 games are going to be postponed?
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Old 08-30-2017, 12:18 PM
chuck chuck is offline
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Originally Posted by HPF Bob View Post
I wonder if any Week 1 games are going to be postponed?
It would not surprise me to see the league move the first game to Florida and play the game with the Jags later in the season in Houston.

That is an enormous logistical challenge but it might be necessary.
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Old 08-30-2017, 12:22 PM
barrett barrett is offline
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Originally Posted by chuck View Post
It would not surprise me to see the league move the first game to Florida and play the game with the Jags later in the season in Houston.

That is an enormous logistical challenge but it might be necessary.
I think the Texas Rangers already vetoed the Jags and Texans swapping home games.
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Old 08-30-2017, 03:34 PM
chuck chuck is offline
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Originally Posted by barrett View Post
I think the Texas Rangers already vetoed the Jags and Texans swapping home games.
The Texas Rangers can gargle some mayo.
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Old 08-30-2017, 09:12 PM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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Originally Posted by chuck View Post
The Texas Rangers can gargle some mayo.
They can gargle some anti-freeze, especially that little bitch, Gomez.
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Old 08-31-2017, 12:26 AM
chuck chuck is offline
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Originally Posted by HPF Bob View Post
They can gargle some anti-freeze, especially that little bitch, Gomez.
You and I are on the same page on this deal. Gomez is a singularly unlikeable player.

It's too bad that it's the Rangers that are the beneficiaries of this hurricane swoon. I mean, even at the beginning of August it was obvious the Astros were in the middle of an epic, Houston-style collapse. But it's especially vexing that the team that gets the Harvey spoils is Banister's group of jackoffs.

Last time it was the Cubs and that dickhead Zambrano. And that was bad enough.
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Old 09-05-2017, 01:04 PM
Foo'ball Fool Foo'ball Fool is offline
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Moving the game to Florida doesn't look like such a good idea anymore. Chuck, hope you've got everything tied down there in PR. Stay safe!
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Old 09-05-2017, 01:54 PM
chuck chuck is offline
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Originally Posted by Foo'ball Fool View Post
Moving the game to Florida doesn't look like such a good idea anymore. Chuck, hope you've got everything tied down there in PR. Stay safe!
Thanks for the thought but despite nunu's insistence I am not in Puerto Rico, nor Peru nor Paraguay nor Papua New Guinea nor Poland nor Portugal nor Pakistan nor Palestine nor Papeete. I am in Panama and we do not get hurricanes here. Not yet, anyway.
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Old 09-05-2017, 02:07 PM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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Originally Posted by chuck View Post
Thanks for the thought but despite nunu's insistence I am not in Puerto Rico, nor Peru nor Paraguay nor Papua New Guinea nor Poland nor Portugal nor Pakistan nor Palestine nor Papeete. I am in Panama and we do not get hurricanes here. Not yet, anyway.
"They" said New Orleans never gets a direct hit from a hurricane until Katrina. I'm not sure I want to trust that when the occasional storm takes a southward dip. And who knew hurricanes could do the Texas Two-Step until Harvey did it?

Still, Panama is less likely to get a direct hit than Belize, Guatemala, Honduras or the Yucutan.
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Old 09-05-2017, 02:26 PM
chuck chuck is offline
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I don't know why anyone anywhere along the Gulf would feel secure in the thought that a hurricane would not or could not impact them. Once a storm hits the Gulf it can go anywhere it wants.

The models accurately predicted what Harvey would do, by the way. Hurricanes can do all sorts of odd things once they hit land depending on where the fronts are ahead of where they're going.

This oncoming storm, Irma, is no joke. It is going to do serious damage in the Caribbean and, like Katrina, it could very well pass over Florida (or under it) and into the Gulf and then all bets are off.
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Old 09-05-2017, 04:59 PM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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There was, in fact, a Hurricane Martha in 1969 that officially landed in Panama but that's the only one in recorded history although many, such as Hurricane Otto last year, impacted Panama, killing four Panamanians although officially landing in Nicaragua.
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Old 09-05-2017, 06:12 PM
chuck chuck is offline
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People in Panama get killed every time there's an afternoon shower. That guy over there has his ladder leaning up against a power cable strung up over the street. That guy over there is trying to swim across a raging river despite the fact that he has been drinking Ron Abuelo all day and can't swim. That guy over there was trying to alternate between texting his wife and texting his girlfriend and ran off the road and into a tree. He hit a guy who was standing at the base of the tree happily licking the fungus. You know, who knows.

Two rules when you necks visit me. One, no goddam Jimmy Buffet. Two, no asking why. As in, Why is that guy balancing a machete on his head while he does a tightrope walk on the top of that fence?

There is just never an adequate reason why and frankly I get tired of the question.
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Old 09-05-2017, 06:23 PM
Arky Arky is offline
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Originally Posted by chuck View Post

The models accurately predicted what Harvey would do, by the way. Hurricanes can do all sorts of odd things once they hit land depending on where the fronts are ahead of where they're going............
Yeah, I was impressed they were able to predict the little hook-and-go route Harvey did... right on top of Gonzales, TX - site of many Willie Nelson "picnics" back in the 70's and 80's...

The wind was never a factor in my part of Houston.... Water level in my neighborhood was high but still not getting into the residences. I do believe there are some Kingwood residents filing suit against the city of Conroe for releasing the water from Lake Conroe.... On the one hand you got the people in Conroe sweating that the levee will break, OTOH, you got the Kingwood people thinking that they're going to make it through the storm....
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Old 09-05-2017, 08:36 PM
Foo'ball Fool Foo'ball Fool is offline
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Originally Posted by chuck View Post
Thanks for the thought but despite nunu's insistence I am not in Puerto Rico, nor Peru nor Paraguay nor Papua New Guinea nor Poland nor Portugal nor Pakistan nor Palestine nor Papeete. I am in Panama and we do not get hurricanes here. Not yet, anyway.
Well, I had the "P" part right anyway. If I recall, you're the Terminator in all the Survivor pools.

And that's what I get for listening to Nunu...
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Old 09-05-2017, 08:47 PM
Foo'ball Fool Foo'ball Fool is offline
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Chuck, your description of the actions of others in Panama answers a question for me. I'm in Risk Management, and I collect "non-safety" pictures, and use them as examples of what NOT to do while doing a job. I guess the guy with the left side of his pickup on rocks, blocks, and a board or 2 is one of the natives. The blocks, etc. are bad enough, but being under the truck, while using a welding rig on the gas tank just doesn't seem real bright. Even to a "neck" like me! The guy on the aluminum ladder in the middle of the swimming pool, using the drill on a light fixture might be from that part of the world, too, although he was trying to keep the extension cord out of the water.
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Old 09-05-2017, 09:55 PM
chuck chuck is offline
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Can I post a picture here? If not I'll post a link.
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Old 09-05-2017, 10:29 PM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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I was going to chalk it up to idiot surfers - you know, the type that can't resist the rad waves a hurricane brings in. Gnarly. But, true, third world engineering is a site to behold.

Oh, and I saw a YouTube segment on "push-button hotels", definitely a male invention. What's to keep an espousa from combing the place with an AK-47? It's just that Hispanic women understand that cheating husbands come with the territory. They get their revenge in their own crafty ways.

My sister's best friend met a man in Dallas years ago on one of those cheesy internet dating sites. So she talks my elderly mother into driving her car from Alabama to see me in Austin so she can borrow Mom's car upon arrival and drive up to Dallas to meet her paramour.

They sleep together. The guy says not to worry about the wife because she's out of town and to let herself out using the key under the mat to lock up while he heads to the office. Big mistake.

She decides this clown is a jerk and is feeling guilty. So she punishes the guy in a way men would never consider. She cleaned. She cleaned the floors. She cleaned the windows. She cleaned out the refrigerator. She washed, ironed and folded all of his clothes, not the wife's. She left telltale signs all over the house that hubby had some company. Then she locked up the house like she promised and drove back to Austin.
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Old 09-06-2017, 01:13 PM
Keith Keith is offline
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Originally Posted by chuck View Post
Can I post a picture here? If not I'll post a link.
I think I have that turned off. If consensus here wants it, I can go into the forum settings and look into turning it on.

FWIW, YouTube videos can still be embedded using {youtube}{/youtube} (except with hard brackets, not these squirrelly ones), put the unique YouTube video ID between the tags.
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Old 09-06-2017, 02:00 PM
chuck chuck is offline
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Originally Posted by Keith View Post
I think I have that turned off. If consensus here wants it, I can go into the forum settings and look into turning it on.
I don't see any reason to turn it on.

Here you go:

I went scrolling through some pictures and this was the first one I found that's reflective of what we were talking about. I see this sort of shit every day.
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