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View Poll Results: Do We Need a Change at HC?
Yes, time for Kubiak to go. 9 37.50%
No, Kubiak needs at least one more season. 15 62.50%
Voters: 24. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 12-14-2009, 04:25 PM
NBT NBT is offline
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Default Do We Need a Change at HC?

I'm like Mario, I love Kubiak to death as a person, but as a HC I don't think he can get over the hump, which he is showing again this year.
NBT - Elder statesman. Wisdom comes with age - Now if i could remember what it was!
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Old 12-14-2009, 08:07 PM
Keith Keith is offline
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I added a poll to this to take the forum temperature on this and keep the conversation a little different from our other threads. Maybe we'll do another poll after the season is complete.
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Old 12-14-2009, 08:34 PM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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I didn't vote because I'm not going to be shattered either way. He hasn't done much this year to recommend himself for another year and yet the Ws and Ls are a bit deceiving.

Houston, at 6-7, has a point differential of +38. That's more than 8-5 Denver (+26), 7-6 NY Giants (+12) and 7-6 Miami (-14). In 2008, our point differential was -28 and in 2007 our point differential was -5.

The tough-luck losses against J'ville, Arizona, Indy and Tennessee make our W-L look worse than we really ought to be. Yes, there's been a knack for shooting ourselves in the foot but who's to say those breaks don't turn for us next year the way they've turned against us this year?

So, what I'm trying to say is that if Kubiak is fired, I understand it. If he isn't, I understand that too.
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Old 12-14-2009, 08:59 PM
TheMatrix31 TheMatrix31 is offline
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Originally Posted by HPF Bob View Post
I didn't vote because I'm not going to be shattered either way. He hasn't done much this year to recommend himself for another year and yet the Ws and Ls are a bit deceiving.

Houston, at 6-7, has a point differential of +38. That's more than 8-5 Denver (+26), 7-6 NY Giants (+12) and 7-6 Miami (-14). In 2008, our point differential was -28 and in 2007 our point differential was -5.

The tough-luck losses against J'ville, Arizona, Indy and Tennessee make our W-L look worse than we really ought to be. Yes, there's been a knack for shooting ourselves in the foot but who's to say those breaks don't turn for us next year the way they've turned against us this year?

So, what I'm trying to say is that if Kubiak is fired, I understand it. If he isn't, I understand that too.
That's me right there. I can't imagine losing those six games the way we did this year in the same way next year.
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Old 12-14-2009, 09:42 PM
bckey bckey is offline
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We won't have an easy schedule next year like we did this year. NFC east is a lot tougher than the NFC west. The Texans picked the wrong year to blow all their close games. And don't forget. Kubiak can't beat the teams in our own division. The Texans lost 4 division games in a row. Now that is about as good of an example as you can get of playing poorly under pressure.
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Old 12-14-2009, 10:34 PM
WMH WMH is offline
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Originally Posted by bckey View Post
The Texans picked the wrong year to blow all their close games. And don't forget. Kubiak can't beat the teams in our own division. The Texans lost 4 division games in a row. Now that is about as good of an example as you can get of playing poorly under pressure.
You are flip flopping in your response.
The Texans picked the wrong year to blow all their close games.
- This is not all on the coaching staff. Kubiak and his staff had the guys in a position to win, and they didn't.
Kubiak can't beat the teams in the division.
- He doesn't play....IMO, we have been in position to win all but 1 of our games. The players didn't execute.
The Texans lost 4 division games in a row.
- Yepper, but again, the coaching staff had them in position to win these same games.
Playing poorly under pressure.
- Again, this is the players. The game plan has been there (for the most part) for us to be in position for us to win.

IMO, Kubiak has had some growing pains over the last couple of years, but let's not forget where we came from. With the exception of game 1, we have been in every single game this year. They have not always turned out the way we hoped, but to me personally, as someone who has been around since the beginning, I am happy with the direction we are headed, and think Kubes can get us there. I was beyond pissed at the HB pass @ JAX, but man, Dressen really was WIDE OPEN. If it would have worked, he would have looked like a genius, it didn't so he looked like an idiot. I got over it, and see what the potential is again for the future. If we change, we are going to get blown up, no doubt about it. Offense will change, defense will change, and we will rebuild. Is that really what you want? Not me. While I have been patient, I am inching towards impatient.

And while I am certainly disappointed that I will be nothing more than a casual fan again this January, I am already getting excited about free agency, the draft, training camp.....and here we go again. I have not realistically had this for the past 8 years.

We get a decent back, a couple more fat guys, and some help in the secondary we will be in the hunt again next year.

Go and ahead and sign me up for the 10-11 season. I am in!
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Old 12-15-2009, 12:43 AM
kRocket kRocket is offline
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Originally Posted by HPF Bob View Post
I didn't vote because I'm not going to be shattered either way. He hasn't done much this year to recommend himself for another year and yet the Ws and Ls are a bit deceiving.

Houston, at 6-7, has a point differential of +38. That's more than 8-5 Denver (+26), 7-6 NY Giants (+12) and 7-6 Miami (-14). In 2008, our point differential was -28 and in 2007 our point differential was -5.

The tough-luck losses against J'ville, Arizona, Indy and Tennessee make our W-L look worse than we really ought to be. Yes, there's been a knack for shooting ourselves in the foot but who's to say those breaks don't turn for us next year the way they've turned against us this year?

So, what I'm trying to say is that if Kubiak is fired, I understand it. If he isn't, I understand that too.
This post, no deference to Bob, co-indicts both Schaub and Kubiak as co-conspirators in the 2009 death of the Texans. It points out that Schaub is a great QB without the pressure on (see the Seattle game), with the game on the line he can't make it happen, Kubiak can't do anything about it, and the running game sucks which makes it hard to win or maintain leads in close games, Kubiak et al can't make adjustments at the half (see a whole bunch of games). I won't drone on.
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Old 12-15-2009, 09:36 AM
gunn gunn is offline
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Originally Posted by HPF Bob View Post
The tough-luck losses against J'ville, Arizona, Indy and Tennessee make our W-L look worse than we really ought to be. Yes, there's been a knack for shooting ourselves in the foot but who's to say those breaks don't turn for us next year the way they've turned against us this year?
Just to touch on this... I think it all boils down to running the ball and stopping the run. If you can't do either effectively you are, as a team, going to struggle with consistancy and being able to put away those close games. Those breaks tend to go your way when you can dominate at the point of attack.
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Old 12-15-2009, 10:27 AM
Joshua Joshua is offline
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I think Kubiak has had a fair shake and simply hasn't gotten it done. It's time to go. With the way the league is currently structured, it doesn't take 4 years to have one single winning season.

The way I see it, Kubiak's tenure should be judged in 2 areas. His coaching; i.e., team preparation and gameday calls and the team he has built (I think most agree he is mostly responsible for putting together this team). As for his coaching, I've been consistently underwhelmed. As others have noted, terrible clock management, adjustments, etc. At least 2 or 3 games a year, the team looks woefully unprepared. Finally, I don't think we've ever sniffed out a trick play. Seems like anytime the opposing team tries a little trickery, we are left completely flat footed (fake punts, wildcat last year, etc.).

As for the team he has put together, I do think the talent has been upgraded but (as someone else said somewhere else) the sum seems to be less the its parts. To me, this is the essence of a coach and where they should be judged. Do you do more with less or less with more? At the end of the day, the only above average unit we have is our pass offense. However, Kubiak inherited the centerpiece of that (AJ). He has used 3 picks on TEs (Daniels, Casey, and Hill), 2 picks on WR (Jacoby and Anderson), and free agency money on Jeb Putzier, Joel Dressen, Andre Davis, and Kevin Walter. Quite frankly, our passing game should be good considering all of these resources have gone into it and AJ was already here.

Finally, I don't understand his player evaluation. As said above, the fact that the Texans thought they were set at safety going into the season is mindboggling. I don't see how a pro personnel guy could have looked at our safeties and thought we were fine and didn't even need to bring in anyone for a look. I'm equally perplexed by his constant juggling of guys into and out of the lineup. Does he not have an opinion as to who is better? One week Okam starts, the next he doesn't dress. Same goes with Deljuan. With our running backs, one week Moats is the starter, the next he can't get a carry (in week 12 no less). How is Kubiak still trying to decide who is the better back in week 12? Isn't that what training camp is for?

In all, he's clearly added some talent to this team for which he is to be commended, but we nevertheless underperform in virtually every area other than our passing game. On top of this, his gameday preparation and execution is often lacking and I don't think I've ever finished a game thinking "Boy, Kubiak really pantsed (___fill in name of coach here___) today!" Finally, the team is clearly lacking in confidence and swagger and Kubiak seems to lack both. He seems to get just as tight and worried as the players when it seems like the game is slipping away. For instance, while I know it is a incredibly minor thing, it bothers me he won't watch a critical kick. You are the coach and the players expect you to lead. This is not the confidence I would like to see from my leader.

Finally, if I may ask one question. I often hear that Kubiak is not responsible for the execution and that's on the players. I get that to a degree, but if you don't judge Kubiak by how the team executes, what are you judging him on? Do you solely look at his playcalls and assuming that they aren't atrocious, you put everything from that point forward on the players? By this standard, would a coach ever be fired?
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Old 12-15-2009, 11:31 AM
Mike Mike is offline
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This is an argument that whatever your opinion is, I think it can be supported, making the decision difficult.

Reasons against:

1) They did not win the close games this year. close out opponents.
2) There is a percived notion that he is not bad a$$ enough. (I doubt this is the case behind closed doors)
3) clock management and game management issues. (I think these are not as prevalent in 2009 as in the past).
4) the team has underachieved the past two years, and put on late season run to 8-8, and 2009 might be the same.
5) Inability to get AJ the ball in the close games this year.

Reasons for:
1) He inherited a pile of crap, now we have one of the best passing schemes in the NFL.
2) IMO, the talent level has improved each year.
3) Schaub while not always healthy has improved each year. I think he would even have better numbers this year with ANY rushing game. We have hardly ran the boots and play action is non-existent with lack of run game.
4) defense has improved under Frank Bush
5) With the exception of the Jets game, I think he has put the players in a position to win each game. Players win games, I think Kubes has given them the chance to win. (take away C and K Brown misques).
6) In his tenure, they might not have always played smart or clean, but I think this team NEVER lacks effort.
7) Change does not mean that there will be better results.

IMO, I voted that we keep him. Cowher is not coming here, Gruden wears out organizations and another coordinator does not equal instant success.
We are in good cap shape, seem to have drafted well in his eta and can fill in the deficient areas.
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