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Old 01-12-2015, 12:33 PM
Blitzwood Blitzwood is offline
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Default Report: Peyton Manning Wanted To Sign With The Texans In 2012!!!@#$:<>?*(!!!

La Canfora of CBS Sports reported on Sunday that Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning really wanted to sign with the Houston Texans back in 2012.

With Manning’s future in doubt guess it’s as good a time as any to pass along I’m told the team he really wanted to go to in ’12 was HOU…

— Jason La Canfora (@JasonLaCanfora) January 12, 2015

Manning wanted to sign with HOU, but the team was doing well with Schaub, wasn’t really interested in making that move at that time

— Jason La Canfora (@JasonLaCanfora) January 12, 2015

Are you freaking kidding me???
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Old 01-12-2015, 04:26 PM
Arky Arky is offline
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Ya, I remember this. I think there was a story floating around at the time that Kubes phoned Schaub saying he had to go pick up someone at the airport - jacking with him .... something like that, I forget the details. Schaub mostly still had it together at the time and there were questions regarding Manning's neck surgery.... no one knew how he would perform on his return....
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Old 01-12-2015, 04:44 PM
Keith Keith is offline
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Old news.

It was a perfect storm of bad timing for the Texans and great timing for the Broncos and Colts (to tank that year before & draft Luck the following year).
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Old 01-15-2015, 01:30 PM
chuck chuck is offline
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This is of course old news but it inspires two new takeaways for me. One, we once had a head coach who rejected the greatest quarterback of the last thirty years in favor of a guy who is now Oakland's holder and third string signal caller AND there are teams around the league that apparently want to give this same guy another chance to be a head coach.

Two, Rick Smith apparently wanted Manning but was overruled by Kubiak. Now that we finally have a head coach that likely possesses a triple digit IQ score the revelation of Rick Smith's lowly status in the decision making hierarchy gives one some comfort.
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Old 01-15-2015, 01:55 PM
barrett barrett is offline
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Originally Posted by chuck View Post
This is of course old news but it inspires two new takeaways for me. One, we once had a head coach who rejected the greatest quarterback of the last thirty years in favor of a guy who is now Oakland's holder and third string signal caller AND there are teams around the league that apparently want to give this same guy another chance to be a head coach.

Two, Rick Smith apparently wanted Manning but was overruled by Kubiak. Now that we finally have a head coach that likely possesses a triple digit IQ score the revelation of Rick Smith's lowly status in the decision making hierarchy gives one some comfort.
It is amazing to me that Kubiak, Fangio, Capers, etc... have all been so much better elsewhere than here. Now most of them are in smaller roles elsewhere, so maybe we just promoted guys over their heads, but it is still noteworthy. It definitely gives credence to Chuck's calls of organizational dysfunction that so many coaches do better once they get away from McNair's Texans.

It is also ridiculous that somebody thought it was a good idea to give our college scouting guy a GM job (even if that somebody was Charlie Casserly).
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Old 01-16-2015, 01:02 PM
Warren Warren is offline
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Originally Posted by chuck View Post
This is of course old news but it inspires two new takeaways for me. One, we once had a head coach who rejected the greatest quarterback of the last thirty years in favor of a guy who is now Oakland's holder and third string signal caller AND there are teams around the league that apparently want to give this same guy another chance to be a head coach.
I can't fault the Texans for that. At the time, Schaub was playing well while Manning was 36 and coming off of a major neck injury with legitimate questions about whether he'd play again and if so, for how long and how well.
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