Originally Posted by painekiller
The first three picks all have ties to Pep Hamilton, there is no ties to Tim Kelly with any of the picks. Pep is the Passing Game coordinator, I thought that was what Tim did well, certainly he sucked in the Run Game. So what does this say about the future of lame duck Tim Kelly and the unqualified David Cully?
Is Pep being set up as the next guy?
I'd be willing to bet that Pep is the OC next season, and Kelly will get his papers. I'm thinking Kelly was kept around as a bridge for #4, and since there will likely not be a #4, for one reason or another, there is no reason for Kelly. Whether or not he eventually assumes the HC role...who knows. I can see another total house cleaning coming in year three or four of the Casserio regime, as that would buy him a contract extension due to new staffing and him being about to play the angle of having his contract align with his new HC/staff.