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Old 10-27-2017, 03:00 PM
barrett barrett is offline
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Default Bob McNair

It looks like our idiot owner is doing his best to sabotage a season that had potential.

On the one hand that's a stupid thing to get offended by. I have heard that saying used to refer to 100 different things and none of those things were actual inmates. Most often I hear it about teachers in a classroom and it has nothing to do with little kids being inmates.

On the other hand Bob McNair is an idiot. You're dealing with a seriously emotional issue that the players have clearly planted a flag on, so why you'd be off the cuff on something like this is beyond me. It may be a dumb thing to get mad about, but it is even dumber to go into a meeting on flag protests calling mostly black protesters inmates, no matter the context.

Either way it will absolutely have a negative impact on the team. Especially when you have a guy with an axe to grind like Duane Brown who is ready to use this to stick it to the guy who just stuck it to him. I guess we're getting an early start on wasting Deshaun Watson like we wasted JJ Watt.
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Old 10-27-2017, 03:19 PM
Nconroe Nconroe is offline
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I guess we get to speculate on the effect but it's not good.

Might be really bad. Very unfortunate words.

McNair needs to have a face to face meeting with the team fast .

I saw nationally it's, freedom of speech, player protests, respect for flag, a hot topic with 52% not supporting players.

Owners are concerned the protests adding to their dip in revenue this year, so a tough topic.

Me, I keep watching and support freedom of speech, our first amendment. Others opinions are heard for sure.
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Old 10-27-2017, 04:05 PM
Arky Arky is offline
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I believe the oft-used expression "Inmates running the asylum" is what he meant. That was error #1. It would certainly haved been "softer" than what he said.

He's issued an apology and I'm sure he feels badly about it. What does anyone expect beyond that?
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Old 10-27-2017, 05:14 PM
barrett barrett is offline
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Originally Posted by Arky View Post
I believe the oft-used expression "Inmates running the asylum" is what he meant. That was error #1. It would certainly haved been "softer" than what he said.

He's issued an apology and I'm sure he feels badly about it. What does anyone expect beyond that?
It's not about what anyone expects after the fact. It's about the players wanting someone to blame for the last few months. Reggie Bush called on twitter for him to be ousted as owner like Donald Sterling. They want his head. The players now think they have someone they can hold accountable for their anger. They can't get Donald Trump but they can get Bob McNair.

It won't matter what's reasonable to expect, if he was sincere, if he apologizes, if he donates to the NAACP, or anything else. He is now a racist in the minds of half the NFL players. There is no way that is anything but terrible for the Texans.
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Old 10-27-2017, 06:43 PM
Arky Arky is offline
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Originally Posted by barrett View Post
It's not about what anyone expects after the fact. It's about the players wanting someone to blame for the last few months. Reggie Bush called on twitter for him to be ousted as owner like Donald Sterling. They want his head. The players now think they have someone they can hold accountable for their anger. They can't get Donald Trump but they can get Bob McNair.

It won't matter what's reasonable to expect, if he was sincere, if he apologizes, if he donates to the NAACP, or anything else. He is now a racist in the minds of half the NFL players. There is no way that is anything but terrible for the Texans.
Not disputing that. "They" can vilify him all they want. Call him names. Crucify him. Quit football in protest. That's their problem. He's issued a public apology. At some point everyone has to move on.....

Just a bad distraction at the wrong time. Vegas is watching. The spread has risen from Seattle by 5½ to 7½....

Last edited by Arky; 10-27-2017 at 06:48 PM.
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Old 10-27-2017, 11:21 PM
barrett barrett is offline
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Originally Posted by Arky View Post
Not disputing that. "They" can vilify him all they want. Call him names. Crucify him. Quit football in protest. That's their problem. He's issued a public apology. At some point everyone has to move on.....

Just a bad distraction at the wrong time. Vegas is watching. The spread has risen from Seattle by 5½ to 7½....
Actually nobody has to move on. Nobody moved on with Donald Sterling and he had to go away. We have no idea how this plays out and we have no idea whether the players will just move on.

Just like fans can stop watching, and owners can not hire guys who kneel, the players can not play for owners who make racially charged statements. And make no mistake it is racially charged. There is nothing that bothers the African American community more than prisons, and McNair decides to change the metaphor to make it about prisons and inmates. That's not a slip of the tongue. You don't make up whole new sayings that have never been said unless there is something behind it. Add to it that he's the biggest republican donor in Houston, and we now have a team that no black player will want to sign with for the next 5 years. Bob McNair has torpedoed the entire organization and while guys will play this week and collect paychecks, a large number of them will never forget this as long as McNair owns the team.
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Old 10-27-2017, 09:48 PM
chuck chuck is offline
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Originally Posted by Arky View Post
I believe the oft-used expression "Inmates running the asylum" is what he meant.
I don't know what he meant, I just know what he said. Prison. There are all sorts of ways you can read that and none of them is good.

I fking hate McNair, as you all know. Prior to any of this he's proven himself to be a bigoted cumstain among other insalubrious things. So this does not surprise me in the least, to discover that he thinks of the players in question - not ALL of his players, mind you, just the ones who might choose to act in some form of peaceful protest - that he thinks of them as prisoners.

I will be so proud of the players if they all take a knee or sit or stand and look at McNair and give him the FU or whatever it is.

In the mean time the national backlash is as embarrassing as it is deserved.
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Old 10-27-2017, 11:25 PM
barrett barrett is offline
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Originally Posted by chuck View Post
I don't know what he meant, I just know what he said. Prison. There are all sorts of ways you can read that and none of them is good.

I fking hate McNair, as you all know. Prior to any of this he's proven himself to be a bigoted cumstain among other insalubrious things. So this does not surprise me in the least, to discover that he thinks of the players in question - not ALL of his players, mind you, just the ones who might choose to act in some form of peaceful protest - that he thinks of them as prisoners.

I will be so proud of the players if they all take a knee or sit or stand and look at McNair and give him the FU or whatever it is.

In the mean time the national backlash is as embarrassing as it is deserved.
The half of the country who supports the protests (and it's almost an even split according to polls) will now have their villain, and they will love that their villain is a Texan. And 90% of the players you really want to sign are in that half of the country. So we just became the last place any guy wants to sign going forward.

Up to now Bob McNair has been a worthless owner who gave us no positives, but now he is a negative who will actively hurt this team's chances of winning.
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Old 10-27-2017, 11:30 PM
chuck chuck is offline
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Oddly enough I'm not quite as pessimistic as all that right now. I think money talks and when the Uncle Tom GM dangles money, lots of guys will snap at it. But if they don't and McNeck becomes the NFL's Sterling, great. It's well deserved.
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