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Old 08-04-2009, 08:59 PM
Keith Keith is offline
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Default Dunta Watch 2009

Starting a new thread on Dunta. I'm just plain tired of the old one.

With the broken fibula to Jacques Reeves, how does this change your view of Robinson right now?

The Texans still cannot sign him long-term, but they can sweeten the F-tag with extra 2009 cash or a promise to not tag him in 2010. Worth it?

And even if they do, should/would Dunta accept now, or still wait until a week or so before the Week 1 opener? If I'm him, I'm wondering if I'm still doin' aight without any fractured bones myself, at least in August.

oh, and PFT posted this on Reeves/Robinson, including a little dig at McClain and the chron Sports desk...
That means the team has a greater need for Robinson, who has not yet signed a one-year franchise tender. (And we got a real kick out of this absurdly obvious pro-Texans/anti-player line from McClain's article: "Dunta Robinson, the franchise player who hasn't reported, could help the problem if he would sign his one-year tender and join his teammates.") ...

Reeves was replaced by Brice McCain, a sixth-round draft pick in 2009.

So, yeah, they'd be wise to get Robinson, who has no moral obligation to "sign his one-year tender and join his teammates," into camp.
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Old 08-04-2009, 09:28 PM
barrett barrett is offline
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I don't think you make any additional offers to get him into camp. I think if you do you have handed over all leverage by giving in to his needs and you can kiss him goodbye and the chance at any compensation should he leave.

I still say the 9.9 sits out there for him and it is his only option.
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Old 08-04-2009, 09:29 PM
bckey bckey is offline
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This doesn't change my view of Dunta one bit. If he continues to hold out and then sign a few days before the season starts I'll dislike him even more. Especially if Vic Carucci has a reliable league source that isn't John McClain. From his article about the Texans posted on today:

Extra points
» The team's hierarchy isn't happy that Robinson is missing from camp, especially since, according to league sources, he has been offered a deal that would make him the NFL's second highest-paid player at his position. Robinson also is missing valuable work in Bush's new scheme.

If Dunta was offered a deal like Gamble with $23 million guaranteed then he either really thought he wouldn't be franchised and could just walk away or he isn't very smart when it comes to finances and self evaluation. I wouldn't contact him or even show any interest in him. The tag is there and he already knows it. Sign it or don't. I don't care anymore. If he really is set on leaving Houston then I would just assume we find a way to get rid of him.
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Old 08-05-2009, 06:08 AM
nunusguy nunusguy is offline
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In lieu of getting Robinson into camp soon this month so he can be ready to go Day 1 of the regular-season against the Jets, Smith/Kubiak are going to have to pull off a trade. I dunno, but I'm thinking starting rookie, seventh-round Draft pick Brice McCain agasint the jets is not an option they really want to be left with ? Especially since this is "the" season when the Texans need a strong early start with a favorable September schedule to have the franchises first winning/playoff season.
So they are gonna have to pull off a trade if they don't go no-tag with Robinson and let him fly away after 2009 without compensation. Jacobey Jones has got to be the most logical bait, or maybe even David Anderson given how strong they are at WR ? And then I'm not even sure if that would fetch them a descent reserver CB, given how important that position is ? I dunno, would they consider trading OD for a real NFL corner if given the opportunity ?
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Old 08-05-2009, 08:13 AM
Nconroe Nconroe is offline
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For Dunta, I'm with bckey. Texans made their more than fair offer, all the way in Dunta's court on next step. Texans play who is in camp, and it might be better anways, it is just an unknown to us right now. We'll know as preseason unfolds.
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Old 08-05-2009, 09:47 AM
cadams cadams is offline
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honestly, they are better with him than without him. golver appears to be doing well, but i hope they don't need him at anything more than nickle unless it is because he is playing so well they have to start him. as for dunta showing up, i really don't have a problem with him missing two a days, especially given the chance for injury. he is a vet, he knows what to do, if he is back for 2-3 of the preseason games then i think he will be fine.
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Old 08-05-2009, 10:12 AM
NBT NBT is offline
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It is pretty plain to me. Dunta has worn out his welcome here. If we are now down to 6th rnd pick Brice McCain, so be it!
NBT - Elder statesman. Wisdom comes with age - Now if i could remember what it was!
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Old 08-05-2009, 10:32 AM
TexanJedi TexanJedi is offline
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Surely a vet CB will be cut at some point and the Texans can look there. Dunta has to come in at some point, but I would have a backup plan.
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Old 08-05-2009, 11:05 AM
Keith Keith is offline
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I think it's best to set aside the emotional aspect for a bit, this is business.

The question isn't about whether Dunta is worth $23 million or more, it's whether you agree to either promise not to tag him again in 2010 or sweeten the 2009 compensation to more than $9.957 million in order to get him into camp a couple weeks earlier.

I think I'd agree with barrett on this. Wait it out. Dunta is a vet, maybe he's rusty, but he knows the drill. And the initial slate of regular season games isn't going to be against teams known for prolific passing offenses.

vs. Jets
@ Titans
vs. Jaguars
vs. Raiders

You have to get all the way to Week 5, with reasonably you have both a healthy Reeves and a less rusty Dunta, when you play the Cardinals (with Fitzgerald, Boldin, et al.).
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Old 08-05-2009, 01:10 PM
WMH WMH is offline
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I am on the wait side. Once the season starts, he will be back, I can't imagine he would give up that kind of game check. I am sure he is stayong in "shape", and will get back to form quickly. No need to sweeten the pot. IMO.
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Old 08-05-2009, 01:20 PM
Mike Mike is offline
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Originally Posted by NBT View Post
It is pretty plain to me. Dunta has worn out his welcome here.
Based on what? How did he wear out his welcome? Because you said so? He has not signed his contract, so he is not violating any rule and is not being fined. It is his right not to be in camp. I wish he was in camp, but I see his point, He could get hurt and be done for his career. It was also his right not to sign the long term offer the Texans made, and it was the Texans right not to cave into his every wish.

While, I would love that he be in camp with his teammates, when he gets back I (and the team) will welcome him back with open arms.
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Old 08-05-2009, 03:43 PM
EndZoneSeats EndZoneSeats is offline
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More and more I am beginning to hold this against Dunta. He's not quite worth the money that has been talked about -- whether he actually got the offers that have been reported I cannot say. However, by holding out this year when he's clearly going to be well paid in 2009, and the Texans are playing by the rules, is bad form.

If he shows up two days before the first game and is not in playing shape or up to speed, my disappointment in Dunta will edge closer to anger.
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Old 08-05-2009, 04:35 PM
barrett barrett is offline
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I'm just not sure what Dunta is doing here.

If he is fully recovered from the injury I would think he would simply play the year in Top form so he can be paid huge next year. The current tactic only hurts his value when he eventually hits the market and discourages teams from trading for him.

If he is not recovered fully, then he would have taken the long term deal he was offered and ran with it. All that makes sense here is that he was %100 convinced the Texans would cave.

Now that no new deal can be reached, all he could be angling for is a promise of no tag next year. But at what cost? If he gets the promise of no tag next year but misses most of camp and has a bad start as a result, he's cost himself millions by not having the best season he can have.

My guess is he signs the offer early enough to start 16 games. Otherwise he is cutting into next year's payday by sacrificing this year's performance. I just hope the Reeves injury doesn't convince him that the Texans are that much closer to giving in.
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Old 08-05-2009, 04:41 PM
dadmg dadmg is offline
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Originally Posted by Keith View Post
I think it's best to set aside the emotional aspect for a bit, this is business.
Couldn't agree more. I have trouble reading through Dunta threads because they seem more emotional than rational to me. But I guess it all depends on your perspective.

The question isn't about whether Dunta is worth $23 million or more, it's whether you agree to either promise not to tag him again in 2010 or sweeten the 2009 compensation to more than $9.957 million in order to get him into camp a couple weeks earlier.

I think I'd agree with barrett on this. Wait it out. Dunta is a vet, maybe he's rusty, but he knows the drill.
I agree that having Dunta in camp isn't a huge concern to me because he is a veteran and it's not as hard for a corner to adjust to a new DC as any other position on the D. But, at the same time, Reeves' injury has just given Dunta significantly more leverage imo. Before this, I would've guess that Dunta would be signed before the regular season to a deal that didn't include a do-not-tag, although I wouldn't have been sure enough to lay money on it; with the Reeves injury, I think Dunta's much more likely to get that which I don't want him to get, the do-not-tag provision. I certainly hope they're able to find a way to sweeten the deal without including this provision.
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Old 08-06-2009, 08:07 AM
Big Texas Big Texas is offline
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I agree, this Reeves injury has really thrown a curve ball. It is pretty apparent the need for Dunta now. Despite what we may or may not think that Dunta is worth, reality is its all about supply and demand. Right now we are looking at starting a 6th round rookie CB for the season. At this point I would venture to say that he, or someone of his caliber, is in high demand right now. Sad to say the Reeves injury benefits Dunta right now. Now maybe stronger play by Mcain or Quin could possibly dilute a little of Dunta's momentum.
Me, personally, pay the man and get it over with.
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Old 08-06-2009, 09:18 AM
edo783 edo783 is offline
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Originally Posted by Big Texas View Post
Me, personally, pay the man and get it over with.
Nothing to do on that front. The ball is in his court. All he needs/can do is sign or not sign the franchise sheet. They have passed the date for doing a long term deal and have to wait until after the season to get back to that part of it.
Old age just comes at a real bad time.
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Old 08-06-2009, 09:24 AM
Big Texas Big Texas is offline
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I forgot about that. Well it really is simply up to him to work his behind off and prove he is worth the major deal.

Maybe he just doesn't wanna attend training camp in the heat. LOL.
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Old 08-06-2009, 03:13 PM
superbowlbound superbowlbound is offline
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I think it simply amounts to the fact that training camp isn't fun, and he doesn't want to do it. He got his feelings hurt when the Texans gave him a deal that was more than he's worth (methinks his agent was expecting a low-ball offer, as in "Dunta, whatever they offer you, turn it down. They're going to offer you less than another team. That's a fact") and then balked at letting him walk for nothing. Really this holdout reeks of, in my best cartman voice, "screw you guys, i'm going home." He's certainly not accomplishing anything from a negotiations standpoint, and as far as injuries go, his entire tender is guaranteed from the second he signs it, healthy or with a broken neck. I really do have a hard time really wrapping my head around how ridiculous dunta's behavior has been, given the relationship he's had with this team and this city for the past 5 years. "waaa, i don't wanna go to training camp!" is the only thing that makes any sense to me.
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Old 08-06-2009, 03:53 PM
WMH WMH is offline
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Rick Smith should just tell him there will be no tag next year and be done with it.
He can always change his mind later ...............
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Old 08-06-2009, 04:25 PM
NBT NBT is offline
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Originally Posted by Mike View Post
Based on what? How did he wear out his welcome? Because you said so? He has not signed his contract, so he is not violating any rule and is not being fined. It is his right not to be in camp. I wish he was in camp, but I see his point, He could get hurt and be done for his career. It was also his right not to sign the long term offer the Texans made, and it was the Texans right not to cave into his every wish.

While, I would love that he be in camp with his teammates, when he gets back I (and the team) will welcome him back with open arms.
No, smart aleck, not because I say so, because a lot of us are tired of his one-sidedness. Sure it's a business, but at some point you have to believe you have made your point and get down to the business of winning this year.
NBT - Elder statesman. Wisdom comes with age - Now if i could remember what it was!
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