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Old 04-04-2009, 10:22 PM
barrett barrett is offline
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Originally Posted by papabear View Post
You seem to be in the minority on that. Cutler seems to be the one taking all the heat from what I've read/heard. I'm sure there's blame on both sides, but I heard the Broncos owner had been trying to talk cutler for 10 days, and when he wouldn't return the calls Bolen made the call to trade him not McDaniels. Cutler said he never got those calls. I don't have a reason, but I tend to believe Bolen. If that is the case then Cutler just hurt himself. He had two stud young WR', a good line, and good offensive mind for a coach.
Maybe. Maybe Not.

I am a patriots fan but take a look at the track record for Belichik assistants moving on to head jobs. Many of these guys look like geniuses in NE and then can't hack it on their own.

So with that in mind I look at a 32 year old guy who has accomplished nothing coming in and his first move is to trade the Pro Bowl QB???

If the Broncos were a stock I would definitely be selling right now because their future looks very bleak.
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