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Old 02-26-2009, 02:39 PM
dalemurphy dalemurphy is offline
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Posts: 259

Originally Posted by painekiller View Post
First off dale I am glad you decided to join our board and I hope you continue.

Now for my point to your statement above, we are assuming that Butler will be the swing tackle, they could sign another veteran or draft someone higher than we expect, and then we would be wrong.

Don't you love the off season?
True, what if they surprise us all and draft Oher in the first?- with the idea of kicking Winston in at guard

And you're right... I'm assuming this move has a lot to do with their faith in Butler. Since I wasn't on this board last August/September, there is no history of me being bewildered that they kept Studdard and Salaam around at the expense of what I thought appeared to be much better players- cetainly players with more potential and a better fit of the pure ZBS. I'm simply encouraged to see that the organization has raised their expectations. My problem with the team keeping Salaam is that they knew exactly what level of play he would give them- and, IMO, that level is unsatisfactory for a team attempting to win... Meanwhile, they exposed Frye to the P.S. That, I think, was a big mistake and I'm elated that they aren't exposing Butler to the market in order to keep Salaam this year.
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