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Old 02-06-2009, 03:59 PM
papabear papabear is offline
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Originally Posted by Mike View Post
Not sure why people keep clicking on his blog, that keeps him in business.

Since I cancelled my subscription to the comical, when they call trying to get me to re-start I politely tell them "no" and proceed to tell them that they have a bunch of gutless, worthless hacks that masquerade as sports reporters and columnists.
I always say I'm going to quit, and I do try and avoid Justice and McClane. It's just hard when that's the only local paper we've got. I haven't watched the news in years. I get all of my news from the internet so for local stuff I always end up at the chron...and can't resist not clicking a story about the Texans.
"Well, at least our players kept their helmets on, so that showed some intelligence"-BobMcNair
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