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Old 01-13-2009, 12:34 AM
mussop mussop is offline
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Originally Posted by Roy P View Post
I know we spent a 1st round pick, but did Duane Brown calm us? Want to guess how many sacks he was credited for giving up? He tied for last in the NFL with 11.5, oh yeah, he had Ephraim Salaam spelling him every other series so he wouldn't get tired and run down.

Am I suggesting that we trade up for Mike Oher? No, while I would love to see him at #15. Can the Texans "save face" and not spend their 1st round pick on an OT, but still get somebody to compete? I'm speculating, yes they could.

Both Troy Kopog - Tulane and William Beatty - Connecticut have some experience of blocking for a successful running game (Mike Forte and Donald Brown, respectively). They also have the agility to play in the ZBS of Gibbs.

One other option is the possibility of Jason Smith - Baylor at #15. I'm not saying that would necessarily be the smartest move, but depending upon who is available, could be the Texans' move.

Just thought I'd start a little conversation that I haven't seen here recently.
When talk of Oher (falling) started I said then that if He or Monroe were to somehow fall we would be crazy to pass them up. You never pass up a franchise LT. Factor in that Brown was a big dissapointment (IMO) and there is no way we pass on either of them.
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