Originally Posted by papabear
I'm not saying that your not right Joshua, only that all we're getting is one sound bite of Kubiak saying that he's going to take the week off....there's plenty of people who's idea of a week off is not being in the office for normal hours, and spending the whole time on the phone or computer calling/emailing about work. I am most definitely not one of those people, but Kubiak could be...and since he's an NFL coache he probably is.
I suspect you're right. I guess my complaint can be boiled down to this. I haven't seen any concrete information of anything the Texans are doing to fill the D coordinator position. I was hoping the team would take an aggressive and proactive approach to filling the position, as well as pursuing a number of candidates and getting outside Kube's comfort zone of guys he's previously worked with to ensure the best fit. I have seen nothing to indicate they are doing this and what little info. I've found suggests they are not. This is disappointing to me.