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Old 01-07-2009, 09:33 AM
Joshua Joshua is offline
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Posts: 549

Originally Posted by kravix View Post
I dont believe for a second that Kubes would straight up lie about something like that in order to throw other teams off.
Don't no where to find it, but Kubes pretty much got caught doing exactly this (not that I'm terribly opposed to it). It was a game where Ahman Green was listed as either questionable or probable/gametime decision but ended up not suiting up. When asked about it after the game because everyone thought Ahman would play, Kubes admitted that Green had told him at practice on either Thursday or Friday that he wouldn't be able to go. When I heard this, I remember thinking that if Kubes is going to hide injuries to keep the opposing team guessing, he needs to not confess to it postgame.
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