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Old 12-03-2008, 04:14 PM
papabear papabear is offline
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Posts: 838

I can go with most of your list. I'm not as down on TJ as you are, but I realize I'm in the minority on that. Sage is what he is. He's a decent back-up. I don't think he's worn out his welcome with the coaches in that role. If they get a decent trade offer he could be gone. If he thinks he can get a starting job when his deal is done he'll leave.

Green is done here.

Greenwood is gone. He probably was anyway, but Adibi has been good enough to put the nail in the coffin

Chris Brown probably gets one more shot in training camp, but the he doesn't have much wiggle room.

CC will probably have a hard time sticking around.

Faggins is probably as good as gone.
"Well, at least our players kept their helmets on, so that showed some intelligence"-BobMcNair
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