Originally Posted by Mike
I started hating the Titans x2 when all the VY crapola hit the fan. I hate them with a passion, but now it is humerous because all the Vince jock sniffers have nothing to crow about. The racist drunk Collins supplanted the "chosen one" and is leading them to an excellent year. Wait until they release Vince and it will all start over again. I hate Vandenbosch and the stupid red contact lenses.
I hate the Colts as well. I hate Dallas Clark and how he abuses our LB's for touchdoowns. I hate Payton for running up the score on us for years and still throwing TD's to pad his stats and break records. I am tired of seeing him whine whenever he thinks there should be a penalty on our defense.
the Hags - I feel sorry for them. No fan support, a stadium with tarps covering the seats and a punk ass for a coach.
This is so well said, I have to concur.