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Old 01-28-2021, 03:39 PM
bikerack bikerack is offline
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Originally Posted by HPF Bob View Post
I wasn't going to say it earlier because I thought Culley's hire might have had backchannel approval from Watson but, since it appears it wasn't, explain how the Oilers publicly interviewed two African-Americans and one white for the head coaching job and then picked the (very old) white guy with no HC experience thinking Watson would be down with that?

I don't care if the white coach was Vince Lombardi, blacks will perceive this as a slap in the face - more "white privilege". How tone deaf can they be? This isn't about Culley or his qualifications. He just walked into a hornet's nest. But, man, this has Bud Adams written all over it.
In case you haven't seen, Culley is being called the first black HC hired during this cycle...

Cully is the first Black head coach to be hired in this current coaching cycle. Due to the new rule passed by the NFL owners this season, the Ravens will receive a compensatory third-round pick in this year’s draft and the 2022 draft because the Texans hired Culley.
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