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Old 01-17-2021, 04:37 PM
Warren Warren is offline
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Originally Posted by chuck View Post
I don't understand why the league would get involved. What's their concern? The Texans have always had some know nothing snake oil huckster with the ear of the owner. The organization usually awards that person the title "General Manager." So I don't see what the big deal is that the team chaplain is running the football org.
Besides the issues about religion in the workplace, there is also the fact that there were two search processes -- the one where Cal and Easterby hired Caserio (without, I think, even a formal interview unless you count when they flew up and offered him the job), and the one where Cal, Jamey Rootes, and Jed Hughes interviewed the other "candidates," which included the interviews that made the Texans compliant with the Rooney Rule. So in the first hiring cycle after the NFL revised the Rooney Rule, the NFL could look into whether the sham interview process was really a good-faith effort to comply.

The league "stepping in" could also just mean Goodell or someone else from the league office sitting down with Cal and trying to help him since he is so clearly in over his head and seems to have no clue what's going on. Having an owner look so completely inept isn't in the NFL's best interest.
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