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Old 12-28-2015, 05:52 PM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 4,149

Mexico City would not be a logistical challenge other than security.

London, however, would be difficult in many ways. I don't care to elongate the season but if a London team is tried, here's what I think they should do:

1) Swap Jacksonville and Miami in their AFC divisions.

2) Make Jacksonville the new London team and put their "home base" in North America in either Jacksonville or Toronto. The home base would be where they would stage their exhibition games and training camp. They would also, schedule permitting, get a regular-season game, possibly the first or last home date of the season.

3) All visiting teams to London would have their bye week scheduled the week before. London would be in the AFC East where travel to and from New York and Boston (and Toronto, near Buffalo) would be relatively simple and have larger media markets than can accommodate so many tourists. All division opponents would have home-and-home dates in London and would receive a bonus from the league to defray costs. London's schedule would be comprised of 3-4 consecutive home games followed by 3-4 consecutive road games so as to reduce fatigue on the London players.
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