Originally Posted by KJ3
to that, i had an idea i didn't know if i should go through with or not:
my idea is to make a poster, pretty big one, of a heart with a zero on one side and a ten on the other. i could affix an arrow on a swivel and point it anywhere in between based on how much texans' heart and fire the team is showing. if they come out klunking like at pittsburgh i'd put it just barely at 1...if they actually showed up to the game and played like in jacksonville it would probably get a 5 or 6.
what do you think?
Kinda like a suckmeter? Eheh, one end of the scale "sucked", the other end - "didn't suck"?
I dunno, I sure wish they'd start doing a little winning. Some fans can get really stupid when they are losing. It's a real challenge to find intelligence and rational thinking on some of the blogs/messageboards I frequent after losses. I think I'll just start taking care of some of the house/yard work I've been putting off....