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Old 09-25-2008, 03:19 PM
painekiller painekiller is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
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This is a huge game, but being 0-3 is not the end some are implying. (not implying cadams is saying this). I watched the Oilers go 0-4, and then win 12 straight. Now this team does not have that kind of talent, but last year the Giants had a slow start.

If a person looked at the schedule and did not think that the first month and a half was going to be a bitch, then they were wearing battle red glasses that are to thick. If this team starts 0-4 and then does not implode like the Capers team did, then Kubiak has won the battle. And after one more draft and next years much easier schedule then we should be a much improved team.

Fans get impatient, that is what they do, even I get that way. So let's go out and beat the Jags, they are beatable right now, then let's rock the stadium and beat the beat up Colts.
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