I'm excited about it. Foremost I'm excited to see evidence that BOB is not an idiot and I'm excited to see what if anything that does for the fortunes team. We've had one milquetoast coach and one idiot 0 an agreeable idiot to be sure - but an idiot. And we know the results all too well.
I'd like to see if an assertive non-idiot can bring the team any better success. I bet yes, but I don't know.
I'm excited to see the defense. I'm excited to see the front seven and I'm excited to see what the new staff does with the players who should be better, like, for example, the entire secondary.
I'm excited to see what the staff does with the OL. Could it be worse than last year? Yes, but I doubt it. The running game? The same. Quarterback, play? The same.
I'm at the point where I expect so little from the team that any sort of side story would divert me. On a similar note I was just in a place that was showing some UFC match or another. For some reason that made me thing of Michael Sam. I wonder if he'll make the Rams. I hope so.
And there are a couple more things. I have been astounded to watch the public reaction to the AJ saga. Virtually everyone is united against Andre. I don't understand how fans could possibly unite behind an owner who has delivered exactly dick to them in twelve years while turning their collective backs on the single greatest player in the team's history. Sure, being the greatest Texan ever is the smartest kid on the short bus and sure, Andre has made some bad decisions. But the fury and the antipathy unleashed on Andre has been a shock to me, even if it arises from a place like Necktown.
Second, there has been much backslapping (or whatever you might like to call it) over the ostensible value of the franchise, 13th in the world or some shit. Are you a minority owner? Me neither. So why the hell do you care? Again, a guy cons the city into building him a stadium, doubles his money in ten or twelve years, delivers dick in terms of football success and necks want to celebrate that? I don't get it, at all.
But yeah, I'm ready for the season.