Roger Staubach had Navy commitments (or something like that) and didn't make it to the NFL until age 27. He didn't get cranked up till age 29 and then had a nice run all the way till age 37. Age schmage.... not really worth nit-picking over. Bigger factors are can he play, can he pass worth a damn, does he show the ability to pick up on things fairly quick? If he (Keenum) answers these with "yeses" by the end of the year, got to keep him around.
Ya know, Andrew Luck is in his second year and not exactly setting the world on fire......Statistically, he's Joe Average..... The "next Peyton Manning" has more work to do.... However, I think most people agree that watching him play, one can see he has a very good "toolkit"....
Drafting a QB is fine by me but just be prepared to go through the same thing (nit picking, pros and cons, lovers/haters etc.) we are going through with Keenum when he arrives. Someone in another forum I read made the point that a top 5 drafted QB is too big of an investment to leave sitting on the bench..... This QB will more or less be handed the keys sooner rather than later.....
With Keenum, I see a Texas boy that could probably tell you a few stories about those Friday Night Lights (and Saturday Night Lights for that matter). Rightly or wrongly, I (still) see some good things lurking..... I (still) see upside.... MNF announcers speaking about Wilson and Brees made it a point to say a QB's height doesn't mean what it used to. Provided he's the starter the rest of the year, Keenum is going to be given a mostly 10 game audition. For an undrafted QB and despite the circumstances, that's all one can ask for......