Originally Posted by Arky
Some act as though if Yates or Keenum were to start getting a few snaps that the season would be over.
I agree with everything you said, Arky. And I think the only ones in Houston right now that still feel Schaub is the answer are the 3 boobs running the show - McNair, Smith and Kubiak. Can Yates/Keenum seriously be THAT much worse than Schaub? I don't think so. In fact, I think that if they had someone back there that even had the slightest ability to get out of the pocket and run when things break down this offense would so much more effective. It blows my mind the boob HC can't see that. Schaub is a game manager at this point in his career, and not a very good one at that. I'm pretty confident Yates and/or Keenum can manage a game.