Originally Posted by chuck
Holliday was getting swarmed at the ten yard line. I'm not arguing to keep him but his blockers were not doing him any favors.
I agree ST blocking sucks too and I know you're not happy w/Holliday either, but it's not only last night and kick returns. He continously brings out kicks he shouldn't, bobbles/drops the ball way too many times, apparently has horrible communication skills on punts judging by how close numerous punts have come to hitting our guys this year (almost happened 3 times last night alone), and generally has been ineffective. It's time for Kubiak to give KR/PR duties to Forsett and/or Martin. We have bigger needs now than a pigeon-holed, mediocre PR/KR. I jest, but at least Slaton could get it close to the 20 at times (granted, with the occasional run out of bounds at the 2
