Thread: 2012 mocks
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Old 04-16-2012, 03:53 PM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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Originally Posted by painekiller View Post
I respect this position, but want to offer up another line of thought. I think the Texans need to go into this draft thinking they are looking for the future #1 WR for this team, they should not be thinking they are picking just a #2 WR. And as such that severely limits the guys that should be looked at.

As for OLB, we already have two young solid guys, so the guy we bring in will be a rotational guy to start with and will be given time to learn. And while I agree McClellin is a stud, brings versatility and is a perfect fit for Wade, there are guys in the 2nd and 3rd round who can be rotational players. (And besides I want to see Braman's 2nd year leap).

On offense I want explosion from my #1, and that is hard to find, only a handful of guys in this draft have it. Jeffery and Hill might be the only guys available when the Texans pick that have what I think the Texans need. (size, speed, hands combo).
While I respect that thinking, the only receiver in this draft I would look at as a future #1 receiver is Blackmon. That's the full package right there. All the other receivers are just maybes, including Floyd and Wright. So, if you are looking for A.J.'s successor, I'd say we're too far down the draft board to get him. We're going to be taking the 4th or 5th WR off the board at best which means he's not Andre Johnson and probably never will be Andre Johnson. Maybe these could be Heywood Jeffires but I never saw him as a true #1.

While I wasn't unhappy to see Mario leave because of his cap cost, I listened to all the people who said we need to make sure we can get after the QB. While I'm happy with Barwin and Reed, what happens if we lose one to injury? Do we want to trust that to Braman to fill that void? Having another strong rush LB to bring into the rotation seems just a little harder to fill than a wide receiver.

And I'd be really shocked if the Texans took a shot at Bruce Irvin in the second, give his arrests and jail time. Sounds like a natural for the Raiders or the Ravens.
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