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Old 09-01-2008, 09:32 PM
Joshua Joshua is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 549

Unfortunate yet predictable chronology from Justice. FWIW, Justice was on 1560 with Lance and John last week and the Gibbs article came up. He basically admitted it was based on nothing but his personal grudge against Gibbs. From the way he told it, his grudge stems completely from the episode 12 years ago when Gibbs wouldn't give him a quote for an article in support of greater benefits for assistants. The notion that the only thing that kept the owners from giving better benefits was an article from Richard Justice (complete with Gibbs' quote) is laughable.

His behavior during his feud with Steph is obviously reprehensible, but my questions start much before that. I had many of the same questions she had when I first read the article. It completely came out of left field and was contrary to all the public quotes I'd read. I too wondered if he had heard rumors or been told off-the-record comments. Apparently not. Where were his editors? When he turns in a story like that (particularly when it contains no facts), shouldn't an editor ask what's his source?
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