Originally Posted by HPF Bob
Chuck, as Goodell continues to legislate all the violence out of the game, I wonder if the level of contact we see at the Pro Bowl could eventually be what all NFL games will look like.
That is a sobering, terrifying point.
You know, I have seen, heard and read quite a bit about the plight of many former NFL players and their health problems related to the many concussions they suffered. It is no joke, at all. I am completely in favor of various measures designed to minimize and hopefully eventually eliminate this serious problem. I would hope that eventually equipment advancements would bring us most of the distance towards the goal. It is important and it should be pursued with every available resource.
But year by year the game gets more and more frustrating to watch. There is a clear difference between someone deliberately hitting the head of another player and incidental head to head contact. One should be penalized, the other should not. And the idiotic protection of quarterbacks at all costs is a real blight on the game.
I guess I'm getting more an more possessive about the NFL as my other professional sports options fall by the wayside one by one.