Thread: Pro Bowl
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Old 12-28-2011, 11:03 AM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
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What shards of credibility the Pro Bowl might have had were lost when they moved it up ahead of the Super Bowl which will exclude any Pro Bowlers whose teams play in the Super Bowl.

Other than Foster, our headliners were all injured so there was no momentum for Schaub or Mario and, really, there should have been none for AJ.

But I take comfort in all the young defensive players in the front seven who haven't become stars yet but may have been the biggest single advancement this season. If they keep it up, Watt, Barwin and Reed can be in Pro Bowls someday and Cushing will return. I hope to see some drafted Pro Bowlers in our secondary someday too.

I'm a little surprised Owen Daniels didn't get any love but then it is hard to look good compared to the Patriots TEs.
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