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Old 09-26-2011, 10:28 AM
barrett barrett is offline
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Originally Posted by popanot View Post
And if Kubiak would have called runs (or even a mixture of run/pass) and we got stuffed people would be bitchin about that. You bring up great points and I don't deny Kubiak, Schaub and numerous others share the blame for the loss, but the fact is, the D sucked in the second half, namely the 4th QTR. They gave up 40 points. Sometimes you have to count on your D to stop the opponent (like the Saints did to us) when the game is on the line - or at least once in the 4th QTR. The 2nd 2pt. conversion showed everyone just how discombobulated and how bad the D was in the 4th. No pass rush and absolutely atrocious coverage on Moore and Graham, with sprinkle of choke from Kubiak and Schaub, did this team in.

EDIT: And my goodness, how long is this staff going to trot out KJ when he's clearly overmatched. No one could be any worse right now and he should be sitting the bench and only in there when we're in a blowout.
I understand that either running or passing can always be second guessed later if it doesn't work. My issue is not that we passed. My issue is that Kubiak has been around a while and we know how he wants to win games. He wants to throw to get a lead and then put it away with a very good running game. Just like last week in Miami.

But New Orleans offense and Kubs' lack of confidence in our defense panicked Kubiak. He reacted in a way he never has previously. It's like I said, I am sure Kubiak entered that game thinking, "I sure hope we have the ball and the lead and get to take advantage of the saints Run defense to close it out, instead of having to deal with them blitzing us while we try to come back." But when he got the golden opportunity, he froze up because of big bad Brees and Payton sitting on the other sideline.

I don't like the idea that New Orleans dictated the type of game we were going to play in the 4th quarter when we have the running game to dictate to them.
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