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Old 09-13-2011, 12:39 AM
painekiller painekiller is offline
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Originally Posted by HPF Bob View Post
My only concern about "not keeping the foot on the gas" is that the Texans are notorious for not putting two good halves together. At some point, these guys need to learn to finish.

David Anderson was with the Broncos during the pre-season (remember, he's a CSU alum and the Broncos once signed him to an offer sheet) but I don't know if he made the team. I suppose we'll find out tonight.
David Anderson is a vested veteran, and in the NFL a team has to pay the full salary to all vested vets on the their rosters week 1. Now if a vested vet is signed after week 1, the signing team is only responsible for the weeks the player is on the roster.

So guys like DA, will be signing all over the NFL this week.
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