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Old 02-06-2011, 01:10 AM
painekiller painekiller is offline
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Originally Posted by nunusguy View Post
Like I said, the Vonta Leaches are making atleast the base annual comp
of 'bout 750 K. In other words players like Leach can make more in a few years than many of us can make in a lifetime. And NFL owners/entrepreneurs are the ones who made these tremendous financial opportunities available to the players with capital they put up and risked. I'm sure there's owners who basically inherited their teams, but the Bob Mcnairs bought them with their own money they made during their business careers. To me there's no difference between a computer programmer or accountant or janitor working for a Fortune 500 company and an NFL player playing for an NFL team, except the football players make a helluva lot more money.
Get your numbers correct and then talk. Kieth can explain this better, but the base salary for a rookie is 310k, it goes up every year to the ten year mark where it is in the 800K+ range.

An undrafted free agent player does not make the big bucks unless he hangs around for a while.

And the average playing life of a player is still only 3 years, most NFL players never make near the money you are asserting. Now a few on every team make huge money.

But the average life of a man who played in the NFL is still shorter than the man who did not play in the NFL. The injuries to the joints, backs and head lead to very low quality of lives for these guys.
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