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Old 12-23-2010, 11:19 AM
HPF Bob HPF Bob is offline
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Kubiak on Tebow from

The presence of Tebow provided an offensive spark, the team rallying around their enthusiastic quarterback in the huddle.

It was certainly visible to Texans coach Gary Kubiak.

"You saw the energy of the football team pick up," Kubiak said. "I've been very impressed."

To prepare for Tebow, Kubiak and his staff have been calling up footage from the preseason. Not that Tebow even remotely resembles that person.

Sure, Tebow is still quick to take off when a play breaks down. But his reads have progressed, and his feet aren't quite as antsy.

"How (Tebow) played last week tells you that he was taking care of his business every week. He was staying ready to play, getting himself ready for his opportunity," Kubiak said. "What you're facing is another back back there, that's very capable of beating you with his legs as well as his arm."
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